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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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It’s1968 again – a look back at the Democratic Convention

Saturday, May 21, 2016 4:42
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Fox news reports that the Democrats are working on more rules to control the angry mobs – er, those who are feeling the Bern. Meanwhile Philadelphia is ramping up to give lots of space to the Bernie folks convention time. The clip visits some of the old wounds back in 1968 that cost the Democrats the election. Here we go:

Philadelphia has approved four demonstration permits in support of Sen. Bernie Sanders at the July Democratic National Convention — including a large rally planned near the convention’s epicenter.

One of the permits is for an event consisting of four days of all-day rallies at FDR Park in support of Mr. Sanders. The city said it expects 30,000 participants, and organizers said in an interview they hope turnout will be much higher.

The park is adjacent to the Wells Fargo Center, where many of the Democratic National Convention events will be held — raising the possibility of a large demonstration in support of Mr. Sanders just steps away from where delegates will officially select the Democratic nominee. A growing number of Democrats are concerned the conventioncould turn out to be divisive and disorderly due to activities planned by Sanders supporters.

The city has also granted permits to three smaller demonstrations at Thomas Paine Plaza, a few miles from the Wells Fargo Center. The city says it expects 2,000 to 3,000 participants at those events.

More at WSJ

Filed under: election Tagged: Bernie Sanders, Democratic convention, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politics


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