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Steve Pieczenik says Bernie Sanders will now dislodge Hillary Clinton!

Saturday, May 14, 2016 12:10
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read it all here……9:15 AM
Trump Subjugates the RNC and Eviscerates Republican Poseurs!
Bernie Sanders will now Trump the Democratic Convention and Dislodge Hillary Clinton!
As I have predicted from the very beginning, Trump would singlehandedly eviscerate all seventeen Republican presidential candidates including the chosen few; as well as, subjugate/control the RNC. Similarly, I predicted that Bernie Sanders, a comparable political outsider would eventually “Trump” Billary, the designated presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.
What I want now is to create a contested Democratic Convention which had been originally intended for Trump. I strongly believe that Hillary, a creature of deception and corruption, has always had a huge negative perception throughout her forty year political career as being ‘untrustworthy’ and ‘unscrupulous’.


Oh, what a pity!
That flesh devouring perfidiousness that she harbors throughout her personae is not sufficient to counteract that impending force of young Democratic activists who feel that the single criteria of her being a woman, rates very little merit.Her history of gross miscalculations, poor judgement, and ineptness transcends any consideration that she can be a viable opponent against Trump.
The polls and pundits have been consistently wrong about Trump and his nascent revolutionary movement. Similarly, I take comfort from the fact that the official narrative concerning Bernie’s impending loss to Hillary is both premature and incorrect. Having questioned numerous young and old Democrats who,like we Republicans, are completely sick of the establishment, especially one denoted by the Clinton name.
The 2016 Democratic Convention which will be held in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, should be rife with consternation, if not strife between the Democratic establishment projected by its flimsily constructed avatar, the “Super Delegates,” and Bernie’s young hot bloods.Nothing riles the political novitiate more than the notion that their youthful enthusiasm will be automatically negated by a presumptive collection of Democratic deadbeats: former congressmen; senators; governors; city officials [superdelegates]— as well as the names of every person who had died in Chicago, NYC—over the past fifty years.
The pundits declare that it will be close to impossible for Bernie to stop the onslaught of important Democratic party personages who support Hillary unconditionally.
Really?…..more here


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