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X22Report Obama Is Dancing as Fast as He Can as the Economy Collapses – Episode 964a

Friday, May 6, 2016 17:09
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Obama Is Dancing As Fast As He Can As The Economy Collapses – Episode 964a – YouTube

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Report date: 05.06.2016

95% of the bailout money in Greece went to Banks and only 5% went to the people.

Payrolls miss as Obama dances as fast as he can ad tries to explain why the economy is not doing well.

562,000 people drop out of the labor force.

The US added more bartenders and waiters.

Most of the jobs added were low paying, low quality jobs.

Baltic Dry Index declines again.

Corporate tax receipts is an indicator of an economic slowdown.

Class 8 trucking declines.

More US citizens renounce their citizenship.

US commercial bankruptcies skyrocket.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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