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Fellow Conservative,
If there is anything to take away from the past couple years, it is that average citizens and private organizations have accomplished more to hold Obama accountable than Congress actually has.
A private lawsuit just accomplished what Congress had been unable to do: force the IRS to hand over the list of conservative organizations that were illegally targeted. Except, instead of handing over a list of 298 organizations, which was the number the IRS claimed to have targeted, the list instead included 426 organizations.
The IRS added dozens of liberal organizations to the list after the scandal became public to hide the fact that they were almost exclusively going after Conservatives… Add this to the list of crimes that the Obama administration committed to cover-up this scandal!
In 2013, news broke that the Internal Revenue Service had illegally targeted Conservative non-profit groups in an effort to stop them from participating and influencing the 2012 election.
Organizations with “liberty” or “tea party” or “conservative” in their names were disproportionately targeted.
Since that news broke, the Obama administration, at all levels, has engaged in a massive cover-up to stop evidence of their crimes from becoming public.
Lois Lerner, the disgraced IRS employee behind the targeting, pled the fifth. She refused to cooperate with the Congressional investigation.
While the IRS and its employees were stonewalling the investigation, the tax agency was seizing Lois Lerner’s hard drives and, instead of handing them over to investigators, wiped the data clean and then literally incinerated them.
This was all while the tax agency was under a legally binding preservation order, requiring them to safeguard all documentation and potential evidence.
Then, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen went before Congress and lied through his teeth. He told a Congressional committee that all the data and evidence was safeguarded, knowing full-well that the hard drives had already been physically recycled. This is called perjury and it is 100% an impeachable offense.
But now, we have the coup de grâce: the IRS was just caught red-handed manipulating the list of organizations it targeted to hide it's anti-conservative bias.
They added liberal organizations to make the entire practice appear to be bipartisan.
The only reason we have this list is because these private organizations sued the government and a judge forced them to make the list public.
Private citizens have accomplished more in this case than Congress has. If you ever needed proof that your voice matters and that you have the ability to affect change, this is it!
We do not take lightly calling for IRS Commissioner Koskinen’s impeachment. Impeachment proceedings against cabinet officials are few and far between.
The last time a cabinet official was impeached was in 1876 when Secretary of War William W. Belknap was impeached for corruption. He was caught personally profiting off of war contracts.
What the IRS Commissioner has done is far worse than a 19th Century Secretary of War skimming money off the top of contracts. John Koskinen lied to Congress under oath, presided over the destruction of evidence while under a legal preservation order, and he openly tried to mislead Congress by falsifying the list of organizations that the IRS targeted.
John Koskinen needs to be impeached for his high crimes and misdemeanors. Brave Congressmen like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) have heard you and are pushing forward with impeachment proceedings, but he can't do it alone.
We wouldn’t know any of this damning information had it not been for private citizens taking a stand. The Obama administration refused to cooperate with the Congressional investigations, so American patriots took them to court.
Everything we’ve accomplished is all thanks to people like you. You saw corruption and lawlessness and refused to stand by silently.
The number of Congressmen who have agreed to vote for impeachment has never been higher. The House Judiciary Committee has already begun impeachment hearings. With today’s release, now is the time to strike and finish the job!
Let’s finish this,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily