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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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European Independence from EU now sounds like Frexit and Nexit

Friday, June 24, 2016 5:25
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The main European far-right leaders of France, Italy and the Netherlands have celebrated with euphoria the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and have called for the same solution for their countries. Geert Wilders, from the Freedom Party, has called for a referendum for the Netherlands to decide if it continues in the European Union, Marine Le Pen, from the French National Front, has claimed the same for France and Matteo Salvini, from the Italian Northern League, has called for Italy’s turn. “We are now up to us,” Salvini wrote in his Twitter account. Without the scrutiny of the Brexit votes not officially ended, but with the knowledge of the Brexit outcome seemingly favorable, so-called far-right leaders begun to congratulate those who made the result possible. “As I’ve been asking for years, now we need the same referendum in France and the countries of the European Union,” said Le Pen, daughter of the founder of the party. With confirmed results and during a speech on French television BFMTV, Le Pen said that “the European Union is collapsing”. “European peoples aspire to something else,” she said, before adding that all of them should be “free and sovereign”. “The European Union is increasingly undemocratic and brutal,” said Le Pen, who has expressed her happiness, like “many French people”, to the “good decision” in the UK. “Thursday June 23, 2016 will be remembered as the British Independence Day. The Europhile elite has been defeated.” “The United Kingdom points to Europe the way forward and to liberation. It is time for a new beginning, which we rely on our own strength and sovereignty. Also in the Netherlands,” Wilders has written on his website. The Dutch population, he added, “also deserves a referendum”. “The Party for Freedom asks for a referendum on the ‘Nexit’ (Netherlands exit), from the EU”. Wilders believes that the Dutch should have the opportunity to give their opinion on the membership of the Union “as soon as possible”. “We want to be in charge of our own country, our money, our borders and our immigration policy. If I become prime minister, there will be a referendum in the Netherlands on leaving the EU. Let the Dutch people decide,” he pointed out.

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