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Syrian Army Enters Raqqa
Syrian Army Forces Cross ISIS Capital Raqqa Borders.
Syrian army advancing rapidly on ISIL stronghold of Raqqah
Making Headway: Syrian Army Heading to Military Airfield in Raqqa
Syrian government troops have entered the province of Raqqa, the administrative center of which is the city of Raqqa, considered to be the ‘capital’ of Daesh in Syria, TV channel al-Mayadin reported. Syrian government forces with the support of police units have entered Raqqa province for the first time in nearly two years. The troops crossed the administrative border of the province, capturing the strategic town of Zakia, which is an important transportation hub in the region.
Some units of the Syrian army moved by approximately 10 kilometers and are now advancing towards the city of Tabqa, which has a vital military airfield. Earlier, it was reported that the Syrian Army launched a large-scale offensive on June 3 to liberate the city of Raqqa, the de-facto capital of the Daesh caliphate. According to retired Syrian Major General Sabet Muhammad, the operation started in the town of Isriya, in Hama province, nearly 140 km to the west of Raqqa. “Preparations for the operation lasted many days. Several thousand troops were deployed to Isriya. The forces have several interim objectives, including the town of al-Thawrah, a military airfield as well as the town of Resafa. These positions will be used for an assault on Raqqa,” he said.
Onslaught on ISIS: Kurdish-led forces target ISIS supply route in Manbij
The U.S. Operation In Raqqa The “ISIS” Capital, Why Now?
Afraa Dagher
No reasonable person would deny the de facto role of the US in supporting the terrorists gangs in Syria. Since the very beginning of this proxy war against Syria, they were the crystallization of the West’s plan to achieve the destruction of Syria and its army, which, in turn, also helps the Zionist-Israeli plan regarding a new Middle East and a greater “Israel.”
The US depended on its regional allies like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey to destroy Syria by funding, training, smuggling of every kind of armed terrorist to the country.
The opposition recently revealed that a secret document has been signed between themselves and Qatar. In 2012, to get support, in exchange of overthrow president Assad, the Saudi kingdom funded the extremist Islamist terrorists in order to turn over power in Syria to those extremists!
Why doesn’t the US and Israel want Assad in as head of the Syrian government? Why do they prefer a caliphate and “moderate rebels”?
First, it should be remembered that these “rebels” vowed to destroy Syria and reduce the number of Syrian Soldiers.
Second, they never made any demands regarding the Israeli-occupied territories.
These terrorists would give more territory to Turkey.
They would allow the Qatari gas line to cross the Syrian lands!
And what did they achieve from their vows to the US?
Nothing but more sabotage of Syria and its people! Not only that, but they are now running private businesses under international protection due to their classification as a moderate opposition!
These businesses often manage the transfer of refugees from Turkey to Europe on board rickety boats, essentially human trafficking, but when the transit across the sea results in death, they blame the Syrian government. This is in addition to the trade in human organs back and forth between the terrorists, Turkey, and Israel! We should also mention the theft of Syrian archeology and the transfer of it to the West. Also, the drug smuggling operations and the smuggling of terrorists.
Lastly, we can’t forget how this war and the Western sanctions has destroyed the value of our currency too.
However, that was never a concern for the US!
Still, after more than five years of war against Syria, the West and its proxies have not achieved one goal. There is no transitional government. There is no division of Syrian land.
It was depressed for the US, the failure of its regional allies and local clients in changing the government, break the Syrian Army and divide the Syrian land!
For this reason, it is the time for the U.S. to run its media campaign, claiming that the US, alongside with its local allies, are liberating Raqqa, a Syrian province, which has fallen into the hands of ISIS. Of course, this city was conquered “rebels” earlier in this war but the “rebels,” for some reason the U.S. has never explained, simply gave it to ISIS.
The US jets, tanks and commandos have supported the same terrorist groups under the name of the Free Syrian Army as well as what they call the Syrian Democratic Forces SDF. But even to attach the label “Syrian” to any of these groups is disingenuous. There is nothing Syrian about them. The SDF is just another Free Syrian Army as it includes Canadians, Africans and Kurds, the latter being either extremists themselves or fighting for a separate state. I would ask, “Why has the YPG never coordinated with the Syrian Army, since the military represents the whole of Syria and not merely one race, sect, or group?”
In Western media, the purpose of supporting these groups was to defeat ISIS but what about the real purpose?
How could anyone believe that the ones who invaded Syria on board enemy tanks would be the ones to liberate our land? Any group that joined American troops in the north of Syria should never be trusted. This brings to our memory the traitors and idiots in Iraq who actually welcomed the U.S. “liberation.” Indeed, the plan of the United States is to give entire areas of Syria to racial groups, sects, or religious affiliations so that it can break a unified country currently in opposition to its agenda and subsequently gain greater influence of all the resulting “autonomous” regions.
Thus, to thwart this evil plan, we trust that the Syrian Arab Army and the Hezbollah resistance movement backed by their allies, are the only ones who could liberate this land. And the real Syrians who believe in the unity of Syria, whatever their race, sect, or ethnicity are the only ones who have the right to make decisions about Syria. At the time the US and its agents use their money, which is tainted by Syrian blood, to divide Syria and impose the federalization on this country, for the advantage of a Zio-US project, the Syrian people, with their blessed army, have been paying in blood for the sovereignty and unity of their homeland.
‘6-month siege, nothing to eat’ – Civilians flee ISIS-controlled areas in Raqqa province
Analyzing the Syrian Arab Army major advancements into Raqqah against Daesh
The attack on the RACC – Colonel Cassad
Briefly on the issues with the onset at Raqqa.
Currently, the CAA develops an offensive in the north-east along the road of Homs, Raqqa on the site Itria – Resafa. To make room for the last 2 days of the enemy about 15-20 kilometers, the CAA was able to break the defense of the Caliphate and to enter into the limits of the province of Raqqa. According to recent reports, the armored units moving at the forefront of the offensive (equipped including a Russian T-90 tanks and armored vehicles “Tiger”), paving the way for the Russian attack helicopters videoconferencing. Aviation strikes at the rear of the enemy infrastructure.
Given the flat nature of the terrain and the absence of a dense residential and industrial buildings, the Caliphate is extremely difficult to cling to the territory in this area, especially given the vast superiority of the CAA in armored vehicles and aircraft.
To date Raqqa to the advanced position of the CAA remained at about 90 kilometers. For comparison – the forefront of Kurdish-American offensive are 35-40 kilometers to the north and northeast of Raqqa. Formally, the Kurds and the US closer to the capital of the Caliphate. but in the last couple of days, considerably slowed down the + of the strong is now diverted to the attack on manbij + of the American aircraft diverted to blows to the Caliphate in the district of Azaz and Mare (perhaps because of this urgently needed air group aircraft carrier “Harry Truman” logged on June 2 at the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal), while the CAA after lengthy preparation, is now quite rapidly develop this success, clearly intending to go to the approaches of Raqqa. The main resistance CAA course meet at the roundabout at the Resafy and near airbases Tabka + certainly Caliphate will try to stop the advance of not only the alignment of defense against him, and a variety of counterattacks in the flank of the advancing groups, including the possible attempts to re-attack the track Hanasser Aleppo that already 2 times led to the fact that the CAA was forced to stop offensive operations in other sectors of the front.
It should also be noted that the advent of the CAA takes place concurrently with the advent of “green” to the south-east of Khan Tuman, which so far could not be neutralized by 100%, so that the Syrian command had to act with an eye on what is happening at Aleppo. Aircraft and helicopters, which are now treated with the position and the objects of the Caliphate in the western regions Raqqa province, is now of course could effectively work in the area of Al-Iisa and Khan Tuman, especially in light of the fact that the militants lighted sufficiently large number of armored vehicles, which was contracted to, but I would guess that Rakka has now become a priority objective of the offensive and “green” is supposed to stop by other means, the benefit now goes under the transfer of Aleppo fresh armored corps
About Raqqa soon taking it so far it does not go, but the question of who will take the caliphate capital, began to form a kind of intrigue associated with the competition of the Russian and American coalition. The prospect of further progress in the CAA is not bad enough, given that the large forces involved Caliphate in other areas and to maneuver reserves of “black” is becoming increasingly difficult + superiority in tanks and aircraft gives the CAA a huge tactical advantage. The main problem is the possible impacts of “black” in the flank of the advancing groups with the aim of cutting the track, on which there is supply and force the delay of the strength of the striking force to keep the roads, as well as conventional strikes on track Hanasser Aleppo, where the militias holding the key settlements and checkpoints is now backed by the Iranian military and various volunteer units on the “Iranian line.” If the attack on the advancing communication groups can quickly cut short without the need for impact forces and aviation, probably in the next week the CAA can significantly closer to the capital of the Caliphate, which at the current stage of the Syrian war is the main goal of the summer campaign of 2016.
Eyewitness: The Syrian army comes to the RACC
Yesterday visited in the forefront in the direction of Raqqa. Third day of June of the troops marched 30 kilometers, but in the province of Raqqa not come out.
More precisely, out assault groups and individual units, but the bulk of its troops are a couple of kilometers from the administrative border. The rate was higher than expected, so the troops spent the day regrouping and pulling rears. The attack is not bogged down, as they say the Saudis and Nebrat. Along the road are many lying dead militants.
Personnel in high spirits, the soldiers are smiling, in spite of the coming battles. Taking advantage of a pause, the soldiers are resting, wash things. Command provided the supply of water and food. Loss no special.
In the direction of Raqqa Syrian commanders pulled together a large number of artillery, 122 mm, 130 mm artillery systems “Grad”, a large number of tanks as infantry gain. In yesterday morning it was not clear command of the plan – whether a campaign is planned for the RACC or group to turn away Der Ez-Zoor after passing a certain point. This may be dictated by the heavy fighting in the Deer-Eze-Zoore, where the morning on June 3 militants launched a powerful assault on the southern part of the city and occupied the dominant height and near the airport.
……………..In general, despite the official statements on the withdrawal of troops of the Russian Federation continues to enough scale to run in its military technology in actual combat conditions, so that all that recent years spinning in commercials on TV, now in practice is being tested against a real and strong enough the enemy, so that in the future, the experience of the war against the Caliphate should be positive enough to affect the development of the domestic armed forces. Probably will develop aviation cooperation issues and attack helicopters to armored compounds, the increased role of the satellite, drone and electronic intelligence, anti-anti-industrial period by means of armies, etc. To some extent, Syria for the Russian army will play the same role as the war in Spain to the USSR, which in the future will be far from superfluous.
But regarding the issues – will take Raqqa or not, then there will depend on the level of resistance of the Caliphate, and on further actions of the Kurds and the United States. From the point of view of the far-reaching prospects, taking Raqqa would be a huge victory for al-Assad and the Russian Federation, but I would caution against excessive bravura statements about it. Experience assault Ramadi and Fallujah demonstrates that bravura statements usually succumb to the harsh reality of where we are and the Syrians opposed tenacious, skillful and crafty enemy that has repeatedly proved its superiority over those who underestimated him. The more valuable each victory for him, so that the enemies of those with whom Russia and its allies in Syria is facing on the battlefield, “black” the most dangerous.
Continuous Russian night airstrikes on north Aleppo countryside
Direct Hit By SAA Tank In South Aleppo
Rescue Team saving Civilians Under Rubble In West Aleppo
SAA Guard Built Tunnel Bomb For Rebels In Jobar, Syria
Turkish troops, militants mass in Aleppo: Russian monitor
A Russian ceasefire monitoring center in Syria says more than 2,000 militants have gathered in a northern neighborhood of the embattled city of Aleppo for an offensive. In a statement, the center said Saturday that “militants from different terrorist organizations and groups of the so-called ‘moderate opposition’ are concentrated in the region of Sheikh Maqsood.”
Quoting civilians in Aleppo, the center said armed groups, partly made up of Turkish soldiers, had appeared north of the city and begun an offensive against positions held by Syrian troops southwest of Aleppo. An official with the monitoring base said more than 40 people were killed and about a hundred injured in a shelling by the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front terrorist group on Saturday. “There was continuous bombardment by rocket launchers, canon artillery, mortars and anti-aircraft installations. The terrorists shelled several areas of the city inhabited not only by government forces and Kurdish troops but also civilians,” Russia’s TASS news agency quoted the official as saying.
A nation-wide cessation of hostilities, brokered by Moscow and Washington, was introduced in February in a bid to facilitate dialogue between Syria’s rival parties. Daesh and al-Nusra Front terrorist groups were excluded from the truce. However, renewed violence in some parts of Syria, particularly around Aleppo, has left the ceasefire in tatters in recent weeks and torpedoed peace talks on the conflict. Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in televised remarks that Washington has asked Moscow not to target the Nusra Front. He called on the so-called moderate opposition groups, supported by the US, to leave the areas held by Nusra extremists. “They (the US) are telling us not to hit it (Nusra), because there is ‘normal’ opposition next to it,” Lavrov said.
Iraqi forces gain more ground in Fallujah fight
Iraqi Forces Liberate Strategic City of Saqlawiyah, North of Fallujah
Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units rescue 47 families from ISIS held Fallujah
38 Killed, 86 Others Injured in Twin Car Bomb Blasts in Samawa, Iraq.
Syrian Army Inching Closer to Capital of ISIL Self-Proclaimed Caliphate
Syria: Gaps Further Widening among Senior Al-Nusra Commanders
Syrian Army, NDF Capture More Territories East of Homs
Syrian Army, NDF Continue to Advance against ISIL in Raqqa Province
Terrorist Groups Suffer Heavy Casualties in Clashes with Syrian Army North of Hama
Russian Warplanes Continue to Pound Terrorist Centers in Aleppo Province
Syria: Kurdish Sources Reject Reports on Fighters’ Pullout from Aleppo Districts