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NATO plans for Afghan war through 2020

Thursday, June 16, 2016 17:24
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NATO plans for Afghan war through 2020 | 15 June 2016 | The war in on Afghanistan — America's longest conflict — will grind on for at least another four years as NATO allies are prepared to commit $5 billion through 2020 to train, equip and pay Afghan security forces, according to a senior NATO diplomat. Last week, President Obama granted U.S. troops in Afghanistan expanded authority to attack Taliban insurgents. The new rules allow U.S. forces to advise regular Afghan combat units and to call in airstrikes… The new expanded authorities will give U.S. commanders in Afghanistan more flexibility, by allowing them to identify and get pre-approval for air targets in advance, instead of just responding to emergencies, Gen. Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, told reporters in Washington.


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