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Senator Susan Collins Open To Voting For Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:01
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(Before It's News)

Yesterday, Maine Senator Susan Collins released the following statement:

collins statement

Regardless of what you think about Collins, and I try to think as little of her as possible, she is completely correct. Not only is Trump using racists comments to attack a federal judge, his doing so shows he doesn’t have the temperament to be allowed near the levers of power. (Neither does Hillary Clinton, but that is a different subject.)

On the same day this interview appeared in Time magazine:

What did you make of Trump’s statements on Judge Gonzalo Curiel that his Mexican heritage should disqualify him from hearing the case against Trump University?

It’s very troubling because it indicates a lack of respect for the judiciary and a lack of appreciation for the separation of powers doctrine that presidents should embrace. I don’t know what’s going to come next. That’s one of the challenges with evaluating Donald Trump. I don’t know if tomorrow he will concede that he was just angry about his case and that he should not have made that kind of appalling and unacceptable comment about a federal judge.

Will you still support him?

I’ve said from the point that it became obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the Republican candidate that I’d always supported previous presidential nominees of my party but that in this case I was going to wait and see what happened and that is what I am continuing to do.

You’ve said you believe she is qualified to be president. Are there any circumstances under which you could see yourself voting for Hillary?

I do not anticipate voting for Hillary this fall. This race has been so unpredictable with so many twists and turns in the road that it is very difficult to predict what is going to happen. But I do not anticipate casting my vote for Hillary.

I’ve never heard a GOP senator say anything like this about any GOP nominee. The sheer ambiguity of her intentions speaks volume for the disaster the Trump campaign has become.

The post Senator Susan Collins Open To Voting For Hillary Clinton appeared first on RedState.


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