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BREAKING: VA ‘Never Trump’ Delegates NOT BOUND to Vote Trump by Law, Says Judge

Monday, July 11, 2016 13:57
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(Before It's News)

Today the court ruled in favor of Carroll “Beau” Correll in his lawsuit alleging that Virginia law binding delegates is unconstitutional.

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  • how about this, the two party system is UNCONSTITUTIONAL but that’s somehow ok??? The entirety of the what is commonly called the government is nothing more than a crime syndicate, that forces people to pay them at the threat of death!
    Someone will inevitably say taxes are voluntary, BS! If you weren’t forced to pay them, you wouldn’t and you damn well know it!
    I also know someone will say “it’s not at the threat of death”.. you’re wrong, they will escalate up to death should you resist their attempted theft, and they ultimately kill you if you absolutely refuse to submit to their FRAUD!

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