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Change Politics Unveils New Platform for Local Ballot Voting

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 16:22
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(Before It's News)

If you’re looking for more ways to effectively move the conservative movement forward, the 2016 RedState Gathering will give you all the tools and inspiration you need. In the meantime, join the conversation and finalize your down ballot plans for November. Celebrate democracy the way it was meant to be!

Earlier this year, we partnered with Change Politics to give our readers a platform to ask the 2016 presidential candidates their questions, without fear of media interference.  And today, we’re pleased to be teaming up with Change Politics once again to help you stay informed on all the elections taking place right in your communities.  We’re also pleased to announce that Change Politics will be joining us in Denver this August as part of our annual RedState Gathering.

While there’s no question that the outcome of this year’s presidential election will be of the utmost importance, the same is true your local and state elections. So much is at stake. When asked about uninformed voters, Thomas Jefferson once said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.” We have to vote for our politicians based on what they believe, not necessarily just for the party that is next to their name.

Through Change Politics and their new platform, you can view your ballot, see who your friends plan on voting for, and learn about why they’ve chosen a particular candidate. We have a unique opportunity to take advantage of this platform and make informed decisions that will impact future generations to come. You can also browse endorsements, or leave one of your own. There’s no better time to complete your ballot and start engaging with other voters on elections that matter.

 Make plans to join Change Politics and RedState in Denver this August as part of our annual RedState Gathering.

The post Change Politics Unveils New Platform for Local Ballot Voting appeared first on RedState.


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