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Explosions Reported Near Turkish Parliament Amid Coup Attempt

Friday, July 15, 2016 18:43
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Explosions Reported Near Turkish Parliament Amid Coup Attempt | 15 July 2016 | A coup was attempted in Turkey Friday with a faction of the military taking over state TV, imposing martial law and a curfew and reportedly attacking the police headquarters in the capital of Ankara, according to American and foreign officials. There were also at least two blasts reported near the entrance to parliament and no immediate word of casualties. The entrance to the building appears damaged. It was not clear who was behind the attempted coup, but a broadcaster for state TV read a letter from a group calling itself the “Turkish peace council” saying that martial law is being imposed. The news anchor says media personnel were handcuffed and forced to read what they were given. CNN Turk has said that soldiers entered their building, the Dogan Media Center, which also houses the newspaper Hurriyet and DHA, a broadcaster.


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