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PressTV reports Gunfire heard in #Ankara, military jets flying over city #Turkey #coup

Friday, July 15, 2016 14:34
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Gunfire heard in Ankara, military jets flying over city – YouTube


The Turkish military has declared that it has taken over the country, and is attempting a coup to overthrow the government. Turkish Prime Minister, Binali Yil-dirim, confirmed that an attempted coup was underway by a group taking illegal action outside the chain of command. The Turkish military says it’s taking over for democratic order. Yil-dirim said security forces have been called in to do what is necessary. Earlier, military jets were heard flying over the capital, Ankara, with reports of gunfire being heard. In Istanbul, military vehicles blocked two major bridges. Tanks were also deployed at outside Ataturk airport. All flights from the city’s main airport have now been cancelled. Some hostages are reported to have been taken at the Turkish military headquarters in the capital, including Turkey’s top general.


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