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Harvard Defies The Will of The People and Calls Them All Racists

Friday, July 15, 2016 14:09
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(Before It's News)

With all the talk of unbinding the delegates and debating over which presidential candidate is most likely to sell their firstborn child away to Satan, we have often been ignoring one of the biggest issues in America; liberal college campuses.

The prestigious Harvard University is showing it’s true colors by denying students from hosting a 1950′s themed dance because it is racist.

According to an exclusive report from the Young Americans for Freedom:

Exclusive e-mails released to the New Guard by an anonymous source reveal that a committee in the Adams House student housing at Harvard University rejected a 1950s dance theme after several students claimed it is racist.

The theme of the event was voted on by students living in Adams House, but promptly changed after the Adams House Committee learned of the outcry of a few students. The outrage began after the notes and minutes from the Adams House Committee open meeting were released. Students began responding to the e-mail voicing concern over the 1950s theme.

It appears that some students are not capable of simply attending a dance, and they had to turn this into… you guessed it; a race issue.

Students began crying out with things like “how light skinned do you have to be to go?” and “will there be a separate water fountain for us at the formal?”. The fact that these students are so coddled by the higher education system that they cannot simply attend a dance modeled after a time in history is appalling, but what is worse is the school’s response:

Stupid Harvard SJW's

Email obtained by YAF

They decided to change the theme of the dance to a “sock hop” in order to not offend anyone. The funny part? Sock hops were common in the 1950′s. So they changed the 1950′s-themed dance into a 1950′s-themed dance.

This racist, bigoted era-themed dance was well-attended and diverse, as you can see from the photos posted to the Adams House Facebook page.

To recap: Harvard told the students they couldn’t host the themed dance that they wanted to, effectively called the students racist for wanting a 1950′s-themed dance, and then changed it to a theme from the exact same era. It just goes to show you that no matter how prestigious the school is, it is probably still run by a bunch of social justice warriors out to make everything an attack on them.

The post Harvard Defies The Will of The People and Calls Them All Racists appeared first on RedState.


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