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RNC Convention Host Committee Is Insolvent And Forced To Panhandle Thanks To Donald Trump

Friday, July 15, 2016 8:41
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(Before It's News)

When Cleveland bid to host the 2016 RNC Convention, part of the deal was that they would raise $64 million. This would not only pay for the convention but serve as an RNC fundraising tool. Now, with the convention set to convene this weekend, the host committee finds itself some $6 million short. Why? Two words. Donald Trump.

In a letter to the Adelsons, obtained by POLITICO, the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee revealed the names of more than two dozen prominent corporations and individuals who have reneged on a collective $8.1 million in pledged donations.

The letter represents the most public acknowledgment to date that Donald Trump has directly cost convention organizers millions of fundraising dollars.

“Over the past couple months, negative publicity around our potential nominee resulted in a considerable number of pledges backing out from their commitments,” the letter says.

It goes on to list the companies and wealthy individuals who have withdrawn their financial commitments. Among those who have canceled their donations, according to the letter, are David Koch ($1 million), FedEx ($500,000), Visa ($100,000), Pepsi ($500,000) and Coca-Cola ($1 million).

Now the host committee is reduced to begging gambling mogul, Sheldon Adelson, for a gap-closing contribution:

“We would greatly appreciate if you would consider a $6,000,000 contribution to the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee to help us cross the finish line,” states the letter, which was dated July 12. The convention begins July 18.

This is unprecedented. Never before has any major party had a nominee so radioactively repulsive that corporations were afraid of damaging their brand by any association with him. Even George Bush got more respect than this.

The convention, however, is just the tip of the iceberg or the leading edge of the tsunami. This level of bailing-out will be dwarfed by the lack of support Trump is going to get from both traditional Republican bundlers and from individual donors. Is anyone ever going to want their name to be publicly revealed as a Donald Trump contributor?

The post RNC Convention Host Committee Is Insolvent And Forced To Panhandle Thanks To Donald Trump appeared first on RedState.


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