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Sunday, August 21, 2016 11:24
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Belted by Trump


Ed Adelman

Hampton — Recently, while selecting the appropriate worn and muddy clothes for yard work, I chose a mostly-broken belt that a sensible person would have tossed long ago. To me, however, there was still a shred of usefulness in it so I kept it to occupy the lowest rung of my very short wardrobe ladder. The belt had problems; the holes for the various sizes became seriously enlarged after the first few uses making it barely functional and quite unattractive. As I cinched it, I felt something give, only to discover that one of the two screws that held the buckle to the belt tore through the cheap belt material rendering it now, even to me, totally useless. As I grumbled and inspected the problem, I noticed the brand name proudly displayed on the buckle: Donald J. Trump.

Trump belt bites the dust a week after purchase (photo by Elizabeth Lindorff)Trump belt bites the dust a week after purchase (photo by Elizabeth Lindorff)

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