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ISIS Attacks Russia

Saturday, August 20, 2016 6:12
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(Before It's News)

This attack was nearly identical to the one we saw in Charleroi in Belgium earlier this month:

“ISIS has claimed its first terror attack on Russian soil after jihadis armed with a gun and axes attempted to storm a traffic police checkpoint outside Moscow.

Two police officers were wounded during the assault late on Wednesday on the motorway in Balashika.

Russian officials confirmed two terrorists were killed during the attempted attack. …”

Although this was the first ISIS attack in Russia, the Russians have long had a problem with Islamic terrorism. The United States supported Osama bin Laden and his fellow jihadists in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Chechnya is practically synonymous with terrorism. The neocons supported the Chechans out of hatred of Russia.

It has always been obvious that Russia has an interest in containing Islamic terrorism given its large Muslim population and proximity to the chaos in the Middle East. That can never be acknowledged by the “foreign policy experts” over here though.


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