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Watch: What Every Principal In America Should Tell Their Students

Monday, August 29, 2016 11:49
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(Before It's News)

Modern education is a dumpster fire. Instead of preparing students for a productive future, it seeks to pump out self-absorbed unmotivated adult children like a government funded victim factory. It’s just one of the reasons our education system is broken, and why homeschooling has risen 61% in the past decade.

One of the ways to fix this problem is restore the confidence of parents in the public school system. This is going to start by focusing on true education, and not on identity politics, or activist causes. For some schools, this will be a drastic change that will be met with quite a bit of controversy, and anger from a subsect of the social justice obsessed. However, its students, and the future of America will be a lot better for it.

Dennis Prager of Prager U has just the recipe for a school that returns to sanity, and actual education. In his latest video, he lays out what this school would look like in the form of a speech given to students by a new principal.

Prager outlines 6 changes that would occur in his school that would eliminate a lot of the reasons many students leave high school so unprepared. Changes such as removing the focus on race and ethnicity. Prager says he would do away with any courses that encourage students to divide themselves based on their skin color, including extracurricular activities.

“I could not care less if your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower, or on slave ships,” says Prager. “The only identity this school will recognize is your individual identity. Your character, your scholarship, your humanity. And the only national identity this school will recognize is American.”

Prager dismisses any clubs that focus on identity politics concerning race or sexual orientation, stating that these clubs encourage “narcissism – an unhealthy preoccupation with the self.”

He also details that all “self-esteem programs” will be a thing of the past, and that self-esteem will be gotten the only way it is truly achieved, by actually earning it. He also says there will be no more classes geared toward things like “homophobia,” “condom wearing,” and treating sex as nothing but a health issue.

Watch Prager cover these and other changes below.

The post Watch: What Every Principal In America Should Tell Their Students appeared first on RedState.


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