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Water Cooler 8/21/2016 – OPEN THREAD – International News

Sunday, August 21, 2016 15:49
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(Before It's News)


French Elections

What do you do when your socialist government isn’t working? Why, you double down on socialism of course.

As minister, he introduced a measure to broaden the government’s authority to intervene when foreign companies want to buy firms the state considers vital, including in the sectors of transport, health and communications.

Yes, we know. It just hasn’t been tried yet by the right people. This time it’s going to work.

Palestinian Rockets

I don’t know if this really counts as news anymore since it’s been happening for a long time. The media just gets bored with it sometimes.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket into southern Israel on Sunday, prompting the Israeli military to respond with airstrikes and tank fire on targets inside Gaza. No injuries were reported on either side.

Considering the current (and potential future) batch of world leaders, this isn’t going to stop any time soon.

Italy and EU Ideal

Italy wants to re-launch the European Initiative started on the island of Ventotene off Naples that began in 1941.

The island of Ventotene off Naples, filled with sun-worshipping tourists in the waning days of summer, was where detained anti-fascist Altiero Spinelli in 1941 began co-writing the “Ventotene Manifesto,” which called for a federation of European states to counter the nationalism that had led Europe to war.

England’s exit from the EU has Italy worried, and it’s in their best interest to make sure it doesn’t completely fall apart. Unfortunately, they’re using fascist actions in an attempt to prevent fascism:

Renzi has called a referendum for this fall proposing a host of changes to the constitution, including reducing the power of the Senate and giving the central government control of some policy areas now in the hands of regions.

Centralized control does not prevent fascism, it encourages it. Are you listening Trump fans?

Philippino President Threatens to Leave UN

Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to leave the United Nations in response to criticism of his approach to drug crime since taking office.

“Maybe we’ll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations,” he said in English during the address.
“If you are that insulting, son of a bitch, we should just leave,” he said then in Tagalog, according to a translation by CNN affiliate CNN Philippines. “Take us out of your organization. You have done nothing anyway.”

The only thing I’d change is his last sentence. “The UN has done nothing good anyway.” I’m not sure I’m allowed to use post those words above, but it is a direct (translated) quote.

Christian Persecution in Syria

The media continues to ignore the severe crisis in Syria for Christians and other non-muslim minorities.

Davis takes issue with an article in the New York Times which looks at the Syrian civil war. He accuses the Times piece of addressing the war without mentioning the severe persecution of Christians and other minorities that is a major part of that conflict.

This is still the untold story of the continuing conflicts in the middle east.

That’s it for today’s Water Cooler. OPEN THREAD. Talk amongst yourselves in the comments.

The post Water Cooler 8/21/2016 – OPEN THREAD – International News appeared first on RedState.


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