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Polling has been rigged for years now, sadly polling has become pushing agendas instead of monitoring the feel of the nation… even REALCLEARPOLITICS stopped providing links to the “INTERNALS” of each poll because it exposed the rigging. While most polls are supposedly conducted by “sampling” 1000 individuals (by phone) which are asked a series of question and it is not unusual to have 240 republicans and 350 democrats and 490 indendents (notice anything wrong with that, the reason the democrat issues allways seem to prevail, wink). I have even seen internals showing Obama approval ratings above 50% with internals that show 35% of the those polled were black women, they are 6% of the population… what could possibly be wrong with that poll?). Even pollsters will tell you a poll that is more than 3%+/- is worthless (because they had to change the outcome because there were too many men or too many white or not enough latinos…TO GET THE RESULT THEY ARE PAID TO PROVIDE. Again, they push polls (propaganda) spoon fed to the public pretending to be the pulse of the nation. Coincidentally when they poll 900 poeple from democrat districts in california and a hundred from Ney York that is not a nationwide poll but that is how it is reported… and the public is too gullible to see what’s going on.