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Charlotte protesters demand mayor's resignation over black man's slaying

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 5:33
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Charlotte protesters demand mayor's resignation over black man's slaying | 27 Sept 2016 | Dozens of protesters took their fight for racial equality in policing to the heart of Charlotte's power structure on Monday, demanding the resignations of the mayor, police chief, and lawmakers in the wake of the police slaying of a black man. Residents and activists, many of whom have participated in street demonstrations every day since the death of Keith Scott on Tuesday, spoke at a packed city council meeting of frustrations with racial discrimination in the North Carolina city of about 792,800 residents. Many speakers said city officials were responsible for ensuring police officers treat everyone fairly, and called on Mayor Jennifer Roberts, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney, and members of the city council to resign.


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