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Huge Election Development: Trump Is Taking Away Young Voters From Clinton

Saturday, September 17, 2016 6:41
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At this rate, Hillary Clinton’s physical health and political campaign are on life-support. Hillary’s chances of securing the White House are sinking faster than a submarine with screen doors.

Recent Polling

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton is turning off voters ages 18-34 in great numbers. According to poll numbers and other surveys, there is clear and definitive proof of declining support among younger voters. At one time, according to the poll at Quinnipac University, Clinton enjoyed almost a 60% majority in support from young voters.  And like Hillary’s health, these numbers are plummeting.

Another poll, published in Bloomberg News, found that Clinton leads Trump by only 36 to 33 percent among young voters in Ohio, with Johnson drawing the support of 22 percent, contributing heavily to her overall five-point deficit to Trump in the state.

These results are stunning as two national surveys, one conducted by Quinnipiac University and the other by CBS News in conjunction with the New York Times, found that more than a third of voters under the age of 30 plan to vote for third-party presidential candidates. This is very representative of the notion that the young people are rejecting the status quo behind the New World Order.

Hillary Clinton is increasingly and widely disliked by young people who are most likely to vote. According to the Quinnipiac University poll, Clinton has the support of just 31% of voters aged 18-34, with 29% for Libertarian Gary Johnson, 25% for Republican Donald Trump and 15% for theGreen Party candidate Jill Stein. Clinton has lost her grip on young people. One has to wonder when support from Blacks will begin to erode.

Quinnipac Poll Regarding Support Voters 18-34

Hillary Clinton 31%

Gary Johnson   29%

Donald Trump  26%

Jill Stein             15%

A detailed analysis is offered in this following video.


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