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Proof: Debate Rigged to Favor Clinton, Process Fixed Against Trump—DARPA Tech Used?!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 13:12
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(Before It's News)

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.


The Debates Are Totally Rigged,
Process Is Completely Fixed




Donald Trump’s Only Hope Is To Take His 
Wrecking Ball With Him To The Next One


State of the Nation

The ultra-liberal MSM simply cannot resist the temptation to rig the debates in every way possible.

Truly, these left wingers not only have no moral compass, they are unburdened by any limitation to the cheating they will employ.  They will attempt to win this election using any unfair device or cheating tactic necessary.  These folks are simply without conscience.

This first debate laid bare just how much outright deception and clandestine deceit would be utilized by the Democrats.  The common bastardization of their name on the Internet —Demoncrats — is really starting to ring true.  They are willing to violate any law, break any rule, skirt any regulation and flout any statute in the reckless pursuit of their political goals.  In a phrase they have all gone batty.

Here’s what the lawyers did.  Hillary’s Lawyers Rigged Debates

How else was the first debate rigged?

A much better question is how was it not rigged!  You name it, the organizers hardwired the whole building to Hillary’s advantage while the entire process was marshalled along to the detriment of Donald Trump.

Every critical aspect was fixed well in advance so that Hillary would look and sound great and The Donald would repeatedly find himself in a firefight.

Lester Holt was working full time for the DEMs

It’s true: Donald Trump debated Lester Hold — the highly partisan moderator — as much as he did his illegitimate opponent (Yes, Bernie Sanders really won the primary!).  As follows:

Not only was Lester Holt an obvious pawn of the DNC, he also obeyed his masters in the mainstream media (MSM).  In fact his handlers at NBC have functioned as a veritable MSM organ of Democrat propaganda throughout this entire campaign season.  Their intense anti Trump bias has been recognized by both Republicans and Democrats alike.

As a result of Holt’s transparent misconduct as a moderator, Trump found himself fighting with him as well.  The debate, then, actually turned out to be Trump versus Clinton and Holt.

Clinton got questions in advance

It appeared from the get-go that Hillary Clinton received the questions well in advance so that she could respond in a spontaneous and confident manner.  The liberal media has always done this service for Democratic debaters.  It’s now a well established MO for them. In the case of last night’s shame, the results were devastating for Trump as he was blindsided again and again.

The Donald, on the other hand, received questions which were inordinately personal and highly inappropriate.  It’s clear that Holt was given the questions from some Democratic operative at the DNC for anyone paying attention to their content.

The venue was created to favor Clinton

The venue at Hoftra University in Hempstead, New York is a liberal bastion of NYC left-wing fanatics and fake progressives.  It doesn’t get bluer than that particular locale in the very blue state of New York.  The crowd of Democrat heavy hitters assembled as if to witness a real bloodbath, which they did.  Trump got torn apart in a cat fight he had no business being in.

There was much subtle messaging going on throughout the venue that is beyond the scope of this exposé which also needs to be dissected.  Such things as he predominant colors, the seating arrangements of the VIPs, the camera angles, etc. were all calculated to confer advantage upon Clinton, which they did.

Clinton was pumped up on special performance enhancing meds

The Drudge Report posted a great graphic which sums up the shock and disbelief that many experienced at the sight of Hillary simply standing up for a straight hour and a half. How in the world did she pull that off just coming off a bout with pneumonia?

Given her well documented medical ailments and various health conditions, it was a miracle that Hillary even showed up on time without a swarm of agents assisting her every move.  Hence, there is no question that the Docs are hard at work pumping her full of whatever is necessary to keep her ambulatory… and conscious.


The unwritten debate code was profoundly broken by Clinton

The biggest surprise of the evening was the extent to which Clinton went on the offensive when it is The Donald who has all the real ammunition.  Clinton, with all of her crimes and wrongdoings over a long career of criminal activity, should have had her back up against the wall the entire debate.

What appears to have happened is that Trump stuck to the code whereas Clinton abandoned it at the outset.  From that point forward it was a bloodbath with Hillary throwing daggers at will.  She went quickly into the politics of personal destruction as if she wrote the book on it. Trump appeared blindsided and shell-shocked at the same time … and never really recovered.

Did Hillary receive extra help from DARPA

For all her publicly displayed deficits — physical and psychological, mental and emotional — Hillary Clinton quite miraculously demonstrated a command of the debate stage that was both extraordinary and inexplicable.  There are those who have pursued this investigation in the area of DARPA technology.

How Hillary Clinton Was Fed Information In the Trump Debate

There must be a rational explanation for Clinton’s stellar performance (relative to her 9/11 collapse) and this advanced DARPA communication technology provides it.  She may have been hooked up to other communication technologies which went unnoticed, but there is no doubt that she received covert assistance.

Unintended benefits for Trump

Whenever a presidential candidate decides to sling so much mud as Hillary did, they may win the debate.  However, they also reveal their true self to the viewership that is repulsed by such naked ugliness.

As a matter of fact, Clinton was so ugly last night that she lost BIG time at the polls.  Her film noir performance will most assuredly go down as one of the worst debate hit jobs ever. These debate headlines from the Drudge Report only validate that unintended consequence for Hillary, and unexpected benefit to Trump.

*   *   *


Donald Trump was actually up against the whole system during the first debate.

Donald Trump knows that he cannot beat City Hall.

Donald Trump, therefore, would be best served by bringing his wrecking ball to the next debate in order to expose them as the thoroughly fraudulent and fixed events that they really are.

State of the Nation
September 27, 2016


RIGGED SYSTEM : Presidential Debate Moderators Announced – Four of Five are Liberals

The Debates Are Totally Rigged, Process Is Completely Fixed | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

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Total 13 comments
  • I too think Trump will force her into areas she is not prepared for force her to answer questions not in the script they will provide her.

  • You know they are reaching for straws when few of the questions involved events that occurred in this century.

  • Beforeitsnews is a zio-fag honey spot. You know it and I know it. This be BillyP. Don’t get it twisted. DOUBT IT NOT!

  • Before It’s News needs to seriously dial back on the ads, it’s getting ridiculous. That being said, did anyone else notice how fast Hillary’s notes were snatched from the podium right after the debate?

    • RE: AVALANCHE OF BIN ADS: I experienced overwhelming ad nuisance too. which is free is marvelous. I discovered it off a post on BIN. I haven’t got an ad in months. Maybe BIN doesn’t like that, but the pop ups and ads are so bad on the site, it is actually non-functional. So BIN don’t get cute, accept that with those ads I WILL NOT GO ONTO BIN! Period!

  • Of course! Would you expect anything more of me? Always remember…. When my mouth is open, I am lying to you! What difference at this point does it make!!!?

  • artichoke

    1. Hillary arrested at 9/11. Still in custody.
    2. Hillary campaign wheels out the body double(s), starting afternoon of 9/11.
    3. Body double is healthy and can stand for 90 minutes, so campaign agrees to that. Body double cannot think like Hillary, is not so sharp, can only give round general answers.
    4. Alarm goes out to lying press. Emergency help needed for Hillary campaign. Press reluctantly agrees to cheat.
    5. Press gives advance copy of questions to Hillary campaign. Hillary double starts rehearsing the answers.
    6. Hillary double brings notes to the debate about her answers, which is another form of cheating. Usually debaters can only bring in blank paper, to take notes during the debate.
    7. Hillary double spends inordinate amount of time checking notes, and giving artfully constructed propaganda answers that even surpass the real Hillary’s incredible ability to bs. Also there’s rumors of an earpiece, both for Hillary and for her ally Holt.
    8. Knowing that Hillary double doesn’t know anything and can’t fact-check Trump, Lester Holt picks up the slack there too.
    9. Fortunately Lester Holt is not very bright and most of his fact-checking just gives Donald the chance to look even better.
    10. Donald wins the debate.

  • It won’t matter since Obama will be the last President according to Baba Vanga and Nostradamus:

  • I am so sick of this woman. Donald is going to have to get down and dirty and call her out on all her crooked dealings. All of them, catch her off guard so she won’t be prepared. It was brought to my attention that she would rub her nose with her little finger to signal Holt, then it was so obvious, and I’m sure she had the question ahead of time so she could practice her answers, this need to be made public. She is truly one of Satan’s minions. Sold her soul to the devil for money and power.

  • I will be totally disappointed if Mr. Trump does not come out swinging at the next debate. He has a lot of ammunition to throw at that fat, frumpy loser and I hope he uses it. She’s a cheater and a liar and she’s ugly as sin besides. Give her hell, Donald. Don’t let that commie up at all!

  • Wired for Prompt: and thats not termed a Consiracy theory! :eek: …Shame:Hillary, Shame: Democrats and Shame:Moderator. Her earrings were the same for the runup debate and this 1st one: coincidence!.

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