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U.S. Admits Bombing Syrian Army

Saturday, September 17, 2016 16:43
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(Before It's News)

Meanwhile, as #Bama is trending on Twitter, Obama has just sparked a major international crisis in Syria:

“BEIRUT, Lebanon — The United States military acknowledged on Saturday that its warplanes had carried out an airstrike that the Syrian government said killed its troops in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour. American military officials said the pilots in the attack believed that they were targeting the Islamic State.

Russia’s defense ministry said the United States attack had killed 62 Syrian troops, wounded 100 more and opened the way for an Islamic State offensive. …

Saving ISIS?

Sounds like something the Founder of ISIS would do!


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Total 1 comment
  • ISIS is after all the ugly step-child of Hillary and Obama. There are idiots living in the USA
    that would hand the reins of power to either one of these traitors again. Unbelievable……

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