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Evan McMullin Responds With Reason to President-Elect Trump’s Unconstitutional Suggestion

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 11:17
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Out of the madness of the 2016 election, where civil and rational discourse was reduced to locker room talk and playground taunts, a spark of American idealism still burned.

That spark, unfortunately, emerged too late in the game to catch into a full flame, and insanity prevailed.

Evan McMullin, the former CIA operative and Independent conservative presidential candidate responded to President-elect Trump’s unconstitutional suggestion that those who burn the flag should be either imprisoned or have their citizenship taken away.

Let me state, for the record, I am wholly disgusted by those who would burn our flag and disrespect the true freedoms and liberty it represents.

On a fleshly level, I’d like to punch every one of them in the throat.

On the level of one who respect our rights as American citizens, however, I realize that even acts that turn our stomach and make us question how some of these people were raised, are still protected in our Constitution, as long as no one is being threatened or harmed.

It’s a freedom to express our views, even those views we find repugnant, that make up our diverse society.

We’re Americans. We have that right.

From the Hill:

The former independent presidential candidate went on a tweetstorm against Trump, urging Americans to resist the president-elect’s “rhetorical and literal violations” of constitutional rights.

McMullin began by responding to Trump’s tweet that proposed a “consequence” for anyone who burned the U.S. flag.

And he is right.

He went on to give fair warning to Trump about what happens to presidents who forget that they are servants of the people – not rulers over them.

And in a following succession of tweets, McMullin masterfully opined about the need to stay engaged and aware, holding our representatives accountable, lest we find our senses dulled to the end of our representative republic.

Evan McMullin provides a calm strength in the season of Trump.

Maybe if he had entered the race sooner, we’d see a more hopeful future for America on the horizon.

Maybe if someone else had stood on principle over party throughout, he wouldn’t have needed to.

The post Evan McMullin Responds With Reason to President-Elect Trump’s Unconstitutional Suggestion appeared first on RedState.


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