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As I expected, Jamelle Bouie is taking the loss of Hillary Clinton pretty hard:
“Around 11:30 on Tuesday night, I left CBS News studios in New York City to take a walk and call my wife. We talked about the election. We talked about the very real chance of President Donald Trump. We talked, just to talk. But we didn’t talk long. We had to do work. I had to write. And she had to figure out what she would say to her students, many of them Hispanic, most of them young children of immigrants. …
Pundits and observers will attribute Trump’s win to “populism” or his “anti-elite” message. This is nonsense. Trump ran for president as a nationalist fighter for white America. He promised to deport Hispanic immigrants. He promised to ban Muslims from the United States. He refused to acknowledge Barack Obama’s legitimacy, casting him—until the end—as a kind of usurper of rightful authority. When faced with the fetid swamps of white reaction—of white supremacists and white nationalists and anti-Semites—he winked, and they cheered in response. And for good reason. …
Fifty years after the black freedom movement forced the United States to honor its ideals, at least on paper, it’s clear this was premature. Like clockwork, white Americans embraced a man who promised a kind of supremacy. We haven’t left our long cycle of progress and backlash. We are still the country that produced George Wallace. We are still the country that killed Emmett Till. …”
“When faced with the fetid swamps of white reaction …” are we being personally addressed here? That’s our sort, right?
Bouie continues:
“I did not grow up in a place where black Americans predominated. Where I lived, whites were the clear majority. And while I moved through black spaces, my day-to-day world was filled with white people: My neighbors were white; my teachers were white; many of my friends were white. I can attest only to my experiences, but I suspect I’m not alone in what this environment meant for my life. It meant I had close, loving relationships with white people. And it also meant that some of those same people were racists. They hugged me hello, and they locked their car doors when an unfamiliar black person walked by. …”
Donald Trump changed that. With his tirades against nonwhites and foreign others, he reopened the argument. In effect, he gave white voters a choice: They could continue down the path of multiracial democracy—which coincided with the end of an order in which white workers were the first priority of national leaders—or they could reject it in favor of someone who offered that presumptive treatment. Who promised to “make America great again,” to make it look like the America of Trump’s youth and their youths, where whites—and white men in particular—were the uncontested masters of the country. …”
Bouie continues:
“But that’s not the major decision. The banner news here is that Trump’s other adviser, campaign strategist Stephen Bannon, will be installed in the White House as chief strategist and senior counselor to the president. According to the campaign press release, Bannon and Priebus will work “as equal partners to transform the federal government.” This means that Trump is serious about the racist and white nationalist rhetoric he deployed in his bid for the Oval Office. …”
Bouie’s meltdown reaches a new height:
“Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts of the American psyche and winked to the stream of white nationalists and anti-Semites who backed his bid for the White House. Millions of Americans voted for this campaign, thus elevating white nationalism and white reaction to the Oval Office.
Understandably, critics of Trump have used this to condemn Trump voters, tying them to the likely consequences of their vote, blaming them for foisting Donald Trump on the country and the world. To this, there’s been a pushback. “[P]lease understand what is happening here,” writes Michael Lerner in the New York Times in a column titled “Stop Shaming Trump Supporters.” “Many Trump supporters very legitimately feel that it is they who have been facing an unfair reality.” He continues: “The left needs to stop ignoring people’s inner pain and fear. The racism, sexism and xenophobia used by Mr. Trump to advance his candidacy does not reveal an inherent malice in the majority of Americans.” …
Okay, it would be very funny here to use this as an occasion to keep trolling Jamelle Bouie and the Left, and to say, yes, you are right, that’s exactly what happened in the election. We’re still the America of Emmett Till. You’re all going to imminently be shackled and put back in chains on the plantation. Dun Dun Duuuunn.
I’ve been reading Jamelle Bouie for a long time now and the truth is that Jamelle is far more racialized than I am. By like several orders of magnitude. I mean this guy sees everything through a hyper-racialized lens. How is it that Jamelle Bouie is considered mainstream and has a gig on CBS News, but I am a fringe extremist?
Jamelle is the embodiment of Black Run America’s social contract: in this world, Whites are expected to be guilt-ridden, deracinated individualists who are easily broken whenever the whip of “racism” is cracked. Blacks, however, are expected to be aggressive, hyper-racialized racial chauvinists. It even got to the point in the 2016 campaign when the Democrats were debating the question of whether “all lives matter.”
In Black Run America, black privilege meant that blacks were exempt from the rules that applied to everyone else. Jay Z could get on stage with Hillary and scream n****r, n****r, n****r and no one batted an eye, but Paula Deen’s career could be destroyed by uttering the word decades ago in a bank robbery. Black privilege meant that blacks could riot and burn down cities, rip people out of their cars on the interstate, target Whites in the Knockout King game, assassinate police officers and still be portrayed as the victims!
There was no check on bad black behavior. Whites were culturally forbidden from organizing as Whites to advance White interests. Whites simply had no voice. There are no Historically White Colleges and Universities. There is no Congressional White Caucus. There is no White Entertainment Television. Virtually everything that is wrong with Black America was and still is attributed to “systemic racism” or “white privilege.”
White America has been devastated on all fronts – politically silenced, culturally demonized, economically stressed, and is even suffering from a post-Soviet-style opioid epidemic which has outright lowered our life expectancy – and yet, some people assumed this could go on forever. The establishment thought the anti-White system could be taken to new heights with films like The Birth of a Nation or privileged celebrities like Lena Dunham chiming in to chortle over the extinction of White men.
The dumbest pundits in the world debate whether Trump’s victory was because of racial resentment or economic anxiety … as if it could not have been due to a number of things. Iowans who voted twice for Obama just didn’t suddenly wake up and figure out they are racists. Detroit didn’t show up for Hillary in the primary or the general election. Could it be because of the current state of Detroit?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t think racial hostility was the cause of Trump’s victory so much as it was a deep, burning desire to destroy the political and cultural establishment. The vast majority of White people who voted for Trump had hundreds of reasons for doing so. They were sick and tired of the politicians and their poll-tested boilerplate. They were sick and tired of foreign wars in places they don’t care about. They were sick and tired of political correctness. They were sick and tired of what has happened to their towns and cities. They were sick and tired of sanctimonious pundits judging them too.
Jim Webb nailed it in an interview last night when he said that the Left doesn’t respect White people. He said that the Left doesn’t even like White people. Trump listened to White people, made it clear he likes White people, and made it clear he respected White people. Jamelle doesn’t get it.