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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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Jill Stein Wouldn’t Know Real Democracy If It Bit Her on the Rump

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 6:43
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Demanding meaningless recounts disruptively wastes time, money, achieving nothing – other than besmirching her already tarnished name and reputation. Her scheme shows she knows nothing about America’s political system – notably its history, its framers, and who they were. Today we’d call them a Wall Street bunch, the Constitution no masterpiece of political architecture. Jefferson believed it wouldn’t stand the test of time. He urged a new convention every 20 years to make it relevant to the times. It was the product of duplicitous framers and cronies, scheming to cut the best deals for themselves, democracy never considered. They created a government of men, excluding women – not laws, serving privileged interests exclusively, how things work today more than ever. Stein’s thinly veiled scheme is despicable, supporting war goddess, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, likely complicit with her to try overturning the election results – an anti-democratic coup attempt doomed to fail. She knows nothing about how governance works in America from inception, today under duopoly power, a one-party state with two right wings, we the people entirely left out, elections farcical when held, mocking legitimacy, creating an illusion of democracy when none exists. America’s framers designed it this way, government run by the men who own it, according to first Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay. John Adams stressed having “the rich, well-born and able” in charge, no one else. Monied interests run things. Endless wars rage. Tyranny heads toward becoming full-blown, fundamental freedoms vanishing in plain sight, police state harshness replacing them. Stein hasn’t the foggiest idea about any of this. Instead of raising millions of dollars for recounts accomplishing nothing, why isn’t she challenging duopoly rule, democracy in name only, farcical elections, we the people a cruel joke? Claiming she wants “election integrity” upheld is harebrained thinking under a system too debauched to fix. The only solution is nonviolent grassroots revolution – not tinkering around the edges accomplishing nothing. “Want democracy,” she asked in multiple tweets? Her solutions ignore the core issue.

The post Jill Stein Wouldn’t Know Real Democracy If It Bit Her on the Rump appeared first on The Real Agenda News.

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