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#LyingPress Continues Meltdown Over Steve Bannon

Monday, November 14, 2016 21:43
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(Before It's News)

Steve Bannon beat Hillary so bad he made it look easy:

“WASHINGTON — A fierce chorus of critics denounced President-elect Donald J. Trump on Monday for appointing Stephen K. Bannon, a nationalist media mogul, to a top White House position, even as President Obama described Mr. Trump as “pragmatic,” not ideological, and held out hope that he would rise to the challenge of the presidency.

Mr. Obama’s conciliatory remarks toward Mr. Trump disappointed supporters who had hoped that he would add his voice to the criticism of the president-elect for appointing Mr. Bannon. Civil rights groups, senior members of Mr. Obama’s Democratic Party, and some Republican strategists had assailed Mr. Trump, saying that Mr. Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, would bring anti-Semitic, nationalist and racist views to the West Wing. …”

Easy peasy.

That’s unforgivable. Unfortunately for them, the days where they could throw a big tantrum and melt the spines of the cucks who used to be their opposition are over.


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