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Extreme Danger From Now Until Inauguration Day—What Are the Threats?!

Monday, December 12, 2016 8:08
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(Before It's News)

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


The MSM and Intelligence Agencies
Conspicuously Gang Up On
Trump and Alt Media
!  !  !



TRUMP Is Coming Under A LOT of Fire—A Time for Extreme Vigilance


Something very concerning is going in America completely behind the scenes.

The various rogue alphabet soup intelligence agencies have made common cause with the Mainstream Media (MSM) like never before.


The MSM news reports have been replete with instances of fake news and false alerts directed at President-elect Donald J. Trump, as well as at the alternative news media (Alt Media).

Make no mistake about it: the NWO ruling elites are very afraid of the outcomes should the Trump Movement continue to gain steam.  In fact, the elites all face very serious existential threats regardless of a Trump presidency.  The Trump Movement is quite significantly way BIGGER than just The Donald.  And TPTB know it in their bones.

This dire situation cannot be allowed to persist as far as the TPTB are concerned.  Not only is their multi-century scheme for total world domination in great jeopardy, so is the exposure of their entire global conspiracy network… the one that maintains the current World Shadow Government and much larger Global Control Matrix.

PIZZAGATE and ‘Fake News’

Nothing poses a greater danger to the ruling elites that the daily revelations which now occur regarding PIZZAGATE.  To be sure, this is the granddaddy of all pedo-scandals, and there are literally thousands of them (Pedogates) scattered around the globe over many decades.

Mainstream Media Goes Global In Attempting To Kill PIZZAGATE Story

Because the PIZZAGATE pedo-scandal revolves around the Bush-Clinton Crime Family, the Beltway power structure and Hollywood, TPTB are literally shaking in their boots. Every day brings one act of sheer desperation after another as they try to shut down PIZZAGATE however they can.

Pedophile Media in Full Damage-Control Mode

Witness the exceedingly reckless and transparently false ‘Fake News’ meme being aggressively hawked by MSM journalism worldwide.  ‘Fake News’ is now mentioned so frequently that it’s clear that this planetary scheme is about immediately shutting down Alt Media before it’s gets too big of an audience. As far as TPTB are concerned, there is way too much truth being disseminated by Alt Media for their safety and well-being.  Which is absolutely true…the historical truth is swiftly coming after them, as it sets the masses free.

Google Graphic Update: PIZZAGATE Easily Outraces ‘Fake News’

The ruling elites have used pedo-scandals to lock down governments and other institutions around the world for centuries.  However, TPTB also participate in their own satanic child sacrifice rituals for a variety of reasons.  Hence, they are all knee-deep in crime sprees against the children (and babies) of the world.  This is why they acted so aggressively against the initiatives to expose the Planned Parenthood abortion factory and fetal organ-harvesting scandal.

Planned Parenthood Dissects Organs And Tissues From Living Aborted Fetuses

Trump and Inauguration Day

The bottom line here is that something is brewing between now and Inauguration Day. The very fact that Donald Trump has taken so much heat from the MSM, Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, DNC, Republican Party, Eurozone, London press, China, Hollywood, as well as countless insults from across the political spectrum — even after he was elected— shows how much they really fear him and his popular movement.

Therefore, it’s critical to not be blind-sided by a 2016 or 2017 9/11-type event or quiet D.C. coup. The criminally insane cabal of psychopaths, who are running for cover from PIZZAGATE, are so desperate that they will do anything possible to hang onto power while Obama is still POTUS— A N Y T H I N G ! ! !

In an effort to rain on Trump’s parade, the MSM and CIA have already floated the warning that ISIS has planned a terrorist attack on Washington, D.C.—on Inauguration Day!

ISIS declares Trump inauguration day ‘BLOODY FRIDAY’

Can you imagine them ever doing that to Obama, while they were awarding him his totally fake Nobel Peace Prize around Inauguration Day in 2009?

State of the Nation
December 12, 2016

N.B. SOTN strongly feels that the following SOS ought to be taken seriously until We the People are out of the woods.


Closing down of communications (mentioned above)

by Jim Stone

No, I will not say how I know or what communications. Let it suffice to say the opposition is being neutralized. REASON, I ASSUME: Because they do not want people to be able to resist a takedown of Trump on false charges. I am beginning to once again think Trump is going to be blocked from the presidency.

WHY would they block Trump? Because they are going to be held accountable for too many crimes if he is not stopped. And they still have the levers of power. Like any gang, they are going to try to destroy any attempt to bring them to justice. I did not think they would actually be this audacious but it looks like they are going for it. THE SHUT DOWN OF COMMUNICATIONS PROVES IT. The CIA spewing openly debunkable lies, and then giving the lies full enforcement power PROVES IT.

I have a hunch the ONLY thing that is truly working now is the message window, and know that ALL communications for the good side are under serious assault. The elite are preventing connections to stifle their attempt to take the nation by fraud and forceI know this is real 100 percent. This does not affect me directly because my communications are always screwed anyway. I won’t say how I know it is happening to others because I do not want that avenue of gaining insight cut off.

HEADS UP FOLKS: I HAVE A BATTLE PLAN READY TO GO. IT IS NOT TIME TO POST IT YET, BUT IF THEY EVEN CREEP 1 STEP FURTHER THAN THEY HAVE TOWARDS DESTROYING TRUMP, I’M GOING TO LET IT OUT AND IT ABSOLUTELY WILL FORM THE BASIS FOR TAKING THE NATION SUCCESSFULLY BACK. It is the only plan that fully addresses the problem of rogue intelligence agencies, and it will neuter them. Just wait, and keep your eyes on this site for it to go upThey will not succeed in taking the nation by force if people follow the plan, and NO ONE will need to sacrifice their life to make it work.

I have lost all compunctions against doing what is right. I know for certain, from the root of my existence that ALL the anti violence campaigns were run against the people as a psy op to make it mentally impossible for people to take action as needed. The only action that will work is violent action. The cops simply cannot take a gang out without a gunfight, and the American people are up against the worst gang in world history. I have a formula that will WIN, GUARANTEED.

Squeamish? GET OVER IT. Hey, there’s a great movie out there that describes our situation against these pigs PERFECTLY, and it is Angry BirdsWATCH THAT MOVIE. it says it ALL. That movie showed with perfection that when you are dealing with pigs, anger and violence is the ONLY ANSWER. It showed the deception the pigs use PERFECTLY. Hey, JUST PARTY AND IGNORE EVERYTHING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. And OH, IF YOU DISCOVER THE PLOT AND ACT AGAINST IT, YOU ARE RETURNING KINDNESS AND HOSPITALITY WITH AGGRESSION. That’s how a PIG THINKS, and THAT is what we are up against. I cannot believe anyone actually let that movie out, because it so clearly shows so well what we are up against in a very succinct and precise way.

We had better not be a bunch of “happy birds” if they do anything to successfully stop Trump, doing so is going to leave us in final ruin and GET OUR CHILDREN DESTROYED. Expect to be called “violent” and “angry” and “aggressive” and whatever other trigger term the elite have planted in you, and be ready to expel that programming with the reply : BULLSHIT : every time they hit a trigger term. Do not shut down, GO OUT AND KICK ASS.

I am waiting to spring the plan, if people follow it WE WILL WIN.


TRUMP Is Coming Under A LOT of Fire—A Time for Extreme Vigilance | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

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Total 23 comments
  • BIN has the audacity to complain about my pop-up blocker! :mad:

    • Mine too. Several websites do this now.

    • Let’s see. So many pop up ads, we can’t use the site without a pop up blocker.

      And on top of that, we have to click off two ads for a newsletter, to use the site at all.

      And on top of that, an annoying musical ad on EVERY page to suggest we turn off our pop up blacker.

      These people will end up with zero ad revenue, because they will have zero readers.

      • When you’re right, you’re right, Ralph.

        AM123 defected and went over to Breitbart. The comment sections over there are better, faster-paced and much higher-traffic.

        There’s non of this outrageously annoying ad nonsense either.

        The system is well built and sends (optional) email alerts when someone responds to or upvotes your contributions — with the system recording and showing exactly who logs upvotes for which comments.

        ALSO!!! They have an EDIT feature over there, which allows the user to tweak or correct his own posts after posting — something we’ve all wished was available here at one time or another.

        This old ass BIN system is almost obsolete and they make it impossibly aggravating for their users — but at least they found a way to terminate the Angry Injun, for which I am eternally grateful.

        Four months, three weeks Ralph.

        Getting nervous yet?

        You shouldn’t be. It’s a good thing you’re wrong.

    • And half of every article is now an ad for…. Saw it seen it remove it.

    • When BIN is not acting as a platform for Alex Jones they are trying to push using the privacy argument but if you visit the site then it has google spyware scripts all over it just like Alex Jones and his site.

      The adverts here won’t give you a virus like the ones on as far as i know but if i cannot post without turning the blocking off then i won’t be posting here anymore.

    • bin should be happy that people even come to this conspiracy site of religious fanatics, newagers and liberals.

  • mitch51

    To Before It’s News:

    You have royally fucked your site up this time. You should have left well enough alone. This should pretty much kill your readership. You can go fornicate yourself, especially that sissie Mike. Have a good one.

  • Dismantle the CIA and NSA. Inhouse stazi units are not needed. Seperate JPL from Nasa for full disclosure.

    • FIRE CONGRESS, useless bastards :twisted:

  • The SUBMIT TO ME button needs to be on the Left hand side so it doesnt dissapear when comments stack up❗

  • President Grump ~ Murder Stepping — (AG)
    Pride ‘ENG’ Trumps ~ Murder Stepping — (AG)

    • Donald john trump – Jan hold don trump.

      • Holding Back ~ Hacking Bold – (AG)
        Holding Back ~ Ha! KGB ‘in’ Cold
        Holding Back ~ Hack DOL ‘n’ Big

  • The star and moon symbol is NOT Islamic. Its origins are pagan.

    • Solomon ~ SOL Moon
      SOL Moon ~ Moos! LON
      Moos! LON ~ Loos ‘n’ MO

  • Well they are using bent judges and fake argumants to block our Brexit and to piss on the will of the people so maybe they will try to block the trump puppet too but why would they given he has his nose up the jewish bankers bums like all the others do.

    • If Hitlery steals the the people to put trump in it will go to the upper house so no matter what Trump will be president 100% Even if they cause shit like michael moore has been paid to help organise from Soros all thats needed is for trump to take the Oath in a basement even. Innaugaration doesnt have to happen out in the open like usual.. Hes won no matter what they try..

  • when do the traitors get hung? that is the only thing i want to know


    • Betcha it’s FAKE. When you allow so much freedom for a french nut to rant about Obama being: gay, muslim and now cannibal man, you’ve reached the pit.

      Not that I am for Obama – I’m against really stupid delusional nonsense.

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