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Breaking – Trump to Order US Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

Monday, January 30, 2017 11:23
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(Before It's News)

I would have posted this sooner but I had to grab my power washer and blow liberal brain matter and skull fragments off my window.

The United States will switch course on climate change and pull out of a global pact to cut emissions, said Myron Ebell, who headed U.S. President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team until his inauguration.

“(Trump) could do it by executive order tomorrow or he could do it as part of a larger package,” Ebell told a conference in London on Monday. “I have no idea of the timing.”

Trump, a climate change doubter, campaigned on a pledge to boost the U.S. oil and gas drilling and coal mining industries by slashing regulation. He also promised to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement aimed at curbing global warming.

Trump’s administration has asked the EPA to temporarily halt all contracts, grants and interagency agreements pending a review, according to sources.

I’m fine with environmental stewardship, we should want to leave our kids a world at least as good as the one we inherited, but the global warming scaremongering is enough to put you off your feed. Naturally, Armageddon looms if we leave this agreement:

United Nations climate chief Patricia Espinosa has warned US President Donald Trump not to pull out of the Paris climate accord.

“Ultimately, this is about the competitiveness of the United States,” Espinosa, a former foreign minister who heads the Bonn-based UN Climate Change Secretariat, told dpa in an interview.

During the election campaign, Trump repeatedly called for a renegotiation of the UN accord, whose aim is to keep global temperature increases well below 2 degrees Celsius by transforming the global economy away from fossil fuels this century.

“We do not know what he will do – all we know so far is that his stance differs from that of the Obama administration,” Espinosa said.

Actually, the entire agreement is about disadvantaging the economies of the developed nations and, to a great extent, about advantaging China and whenever a UN bureaucrat starts touting making America more competitive, you should run for the doors.

The post BREAKING. Trump To Order US Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord appeared first on RedState.


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