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MAYHEM. Mobs of Anti-Trump Protesters Storm JFK Airport over Refugee Policy (VIDEO)

Saturday, January 28, 2017 17:17
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(Before It's News)

Things are about to get interesting. As my collegue, Kira Davis reported earlier, refugees are being detained at JFK Airport as a result of Trump’s new refugee policy. As the news hit social media, crowds began gathering at the airport, determined to see the refugees be released.

It’s getting a little chaotic.

How did all these people know to show up at JFK? Union organizers, of course.

Organizations including the AFT Union and New York Taxi Workers Alliance publicly announced their support for the protest.
“Our 19,000-member-strong union stands firmly opposed to Donald Trump’s Muslim ban. As an organization whose membership is largely Muslim, a workforce that’s almost universally immigrant, and a working-class movement that is rooted in the defense of the oppressed, we say no to this inhumane and unconstitutional ban,” the NYTWA said in a statement.

In addition to the media coverage some more famous names are actively encouraging the protest, one of the loudest voices, Michael Moore, the man who will use any crisis to further his personal brand.

I’m starting to think we can expect some kind of “spontaneous” protest every weekend now. Let’s just hope they remain non-violent. Welcome to the age of Trump.

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Total 1 comment
  • WHERE is your story on the TEMPORARY ban on JUST SEVEN of 47 muslim countries?? Oh you don’t actually do research or have any knowledge of the worlds muslim countries?

    Perhaps if you did actual JOURNALISM, you would LEAD instead of do whatever it is you think you’re doing.. INFORM YOUR READERS THAT THIS IS NOT A MUSLIM BAN! But that would mean you’d have to actually do your fucking job and no one at redstate possess that skill set!

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