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1993 World Trade Center Terrorist Dies, Goes to Hell

Sunday, February 19, 2017 21:26
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(Before It's News)

Here’s some good news.

The Islamist Egyptian terrorist leader that directed the 1993 slaughter of Americans at the NY World Trade Center (9/11/01 was the second Islamist attack on the WTC) has died and has joined Mohammed Ata and the original Mohammed pedophile terrorist in Hell where they belong.

The 1993 Islamist terrorist attack on the NYC World Trade Center is more evidence (as if any is needed) that American paranoid, 9/11 conspiracy theory “The Jews Did It” Lunatics, are just that…

Paranoid lunatics

According to the great Italian write Dante – the Prophet Mohammed is in some particular ring of Hell. I don’t feel the need to get so specific – these Islamists that are welcomed in to our Western countries where they openly work to rape our women/girls/boys and just murder us as commanded in the Koran – they need to be killed and sent to Hell.

It’s a good day.

1993 World Trade Center Islamist terrorist dies


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