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Bix Weir Reports ‘Child Pedophilia Arrests Begin…The Big Names Will Follow’

Friday, February 3, 2017 20:02
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(Before It's News)

My rant last year about Pizzagate and the DC Pedophilia Ring turned a lot of people away from the Road to Roota saying that I was just a “Conspiracy Theorist.” But my belief was not based on a political ideology or a hatred of the Democratic Party operatives. It was about saving the innocent children that were are being held captive…at all costs.

Once again, the mainstream media managed to push the news into the pedophilia realm of “Conspiracy Theory” by inventing the term “Fake News” and the social media outlets like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter starting limiting the visibility and discussion of Pizzagate. Even banning people from talking about Pizzagate or Pedophilia on their platform.

How could they do that when the stakes were so high for these children?

Heads should roll when the truth comes out.

Luckily there were honest and brave law enforcement officers that would not cover it up any more and pushed forward with the investigations behind the scenes.

We are starting to see the first results of their investigations as the lower level “facilitators” are starting to be arrested…

L.A. Police Arrest 474 in Pedophile Ring

Men in Pennsylvania Pedophile Ring Arrested

This is just the beginning and the arrests will now start to FLOW UP STREAM.

Starting with the charges against the husband of Hillary Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, who just happened to hold the 650,000 Clinton emails…

Federal Prosecutors Weigh Child Porn Charges on Anthony Weiner

All the James Comey election controversy was for a reason. They have all the proof they need. Most people don’t know this but FBI Director James Comey was also in charge of the sealed Grand Jury case against Bill Clinton’s pardons of the Chief Global Commodity Rigger, Mark Rich, and his flunky Pincus Green who helped Clinton implement/rig the “Strong Dollar Policy” which was mainly the rigging of the gold and silver prices when Bill Clinton was in office.

Oh what a tangled web we weave!

John and Tony Podesta and Comet Pizza owner Jamie Alefantis (aka “J’amie les Enfants” or “I Love Babies” in french) will likely be the next criminal pedophiles to go down. Watch for their “disappearance” from the DC scene of the crime before the word of their arrest gets out.

Most likely they will end up on the Ken Lay Island for Elite Criminals that have suspicious heart attacks right before they go to jail!

After the Podesta’s and Alefantis will come 1/3 of the US Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, so get ready for some rough waters in the Good Ole USA!

Who said this Transition was going to be easy? Before this is shake-up is done the Federal Government will be returned to it’s rightful size, TINY, and we will return to State power controlling the United States of America.

I guess that takes the California secession movement off the table because it looks like our Federal Government is going to do it for them!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir


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Total 3 comments
  • excellent post!

  • if thats true we’ll be seeing lots of vacant seats in dc in the coming days and television reality news ratings will go through the roof, not sure its appropriate for family viewing :wink: :neutral:

  • BRING it on !!!

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