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BREAKING. Kellyanne Conway Is Officially the Greatest Monster In History

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:35
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(Before It's News)

Ordinarily we have to wait at least three years for this level of silliness but this is the Age of Trump, so we’re having to deal with it everyday. Yesterday it was Trump eating a well-done steak with ketchup. Today it is yet another tragedy and blow directed at the soul of the Republic.

Yesterday President Trump hosted the presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) at the White House. There is speculation that Trump intends to move the liaison function with HBCUs from Department of Education to the White House as a way of raising their profile.

Naturally pictures were taken and this one made the headlines.

Kellyanne Conway apparently has her shoes on and is on the sofa and it generated coverage like this:

Kellyanne Conway, the senior adviser to President Donald Trump, has been accused of showing a lack of respect after she was photographed kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office.

Ms Conway, who has courted controversy in recent weeks for referring to a fictional “Bowling Green Massacre” to justify the president’s travel ban and for promoting Ivanka Trump’s brand, faced criticism on Monday for the way she was sitting during a photo op with the president and leaders of the nation’s historically black colleges and universities.

Seriously, people? Have all the real problems been solved? Are we down to dealing with social graces? Even though the critics might have a case in absolute terms, shoes really shouldn’t be on the sofa, one can’t help but notice their selective outrage. Apparently manners were just invented on January 20.


As an aside, I’m also wondering why no one is complaining about the absence of women in the HBCU presidents given the outrage over the image of Trump signing an executive order… just joking, I wasn’t wondering at all.

The post BREAKING. Kellyanne Conway Is Officially the Greatest Monster In History appeared first on RedState.


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