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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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VA McAuliffe vetoes bill that investigates illegal voting, more registered than actual citizens

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:51
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Here is a story that should be considered “Breaking News” it is so outrageous. If we are going to have third world style elections, then let’s acknowledge it. Where is the GOP?

Here is looking at you!

More than 1,000 people in eight Virginia counties illegally registered to vote, report finds is the headline. Here tis:

Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe vetoed a bill that would require investigations of jurisdictions in the state whose voter rolls contain more registered voters than citizens who are eligible to vote.

“As PILF previously reported, these eight problematic jurisdictions had more than 1,000 alien voters removed from the rolls in years past with roughly 20 percent casting ballots before being caught.”The bill, first introduced by Republican state Sen. Mark D. Obenshain, was prompted by a report that shed light on eight Virginia counties that had more registered voters on their voter rolls than eligible voters.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based group that litigates to protect election integrity, released the report last year that sparked Obenshain’s bill.

PILF’s report found 1,046 aliens who were illegally registered to vote in a small sample of eight Virginia counties that responded to its public records requests.

Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the group, said it is reasonable to ask questions about voter rolls with more voters than citizens.

“It is entirely reasonable to ask questions when a voting jurisdiction has more registered voters than citizens,” Churchwell told the Washington Free Beacon. “The Justice Department for the past eight years refused to perform similar studies using powers it was already vested with. Virginia lawmakers and private parties like PILF were forced to pick up the slack. It’s astonishing to see a sitting governor calculate political blowback when voter roll integrity is at stake.”

McAuliffe vetoed a bill last year that would have required registrars to deny applicants who omitted biographical information about themselves, such as their age, on their voter forms.

In August 2016, McAuliffe cleared 13,000 felons to vote after the state supreme court struck down his previous order restoring the franchise to 206,000 felons.

More at Free Beacon

Filed under: election Tagged: illegals, McAuliffe, Virginia, Voters


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