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By Jeffery Pritchett
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It Finally Happened! What Trump Just Did For The Military Will Make America #1 Again! (Video)

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 1:53
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(Before It's News)

Danny Gold for Liberty Writers reports, Donald Trump has finally done the one thing that Obama was never willing to do. Today he revealed the new budget for 2018 with BIG surprise for the US military. The US can say GOODBYE to the gigantic $8.3 Billion EPA budget and a giant boost being given to our troops, particularly our navy!

U.S. President, real estate mogul and former reality TV star Donald John Trump was born in 1946, in Queens, New York. In 1971, he became involved in large, profitable building projects in Manhattan. In 1980, he opened the Grand Hyatt, which made him the city’s best-known developer. In 2004, Trump began starring in the hit NBC reality series The Apprentice, which also spawned the offshoot The Celebrity Apprentice.

Trump turned his attention to politics, and in 2015 he announced his candidacy for president of the United States on the Republican ticket. After winning a majority of the primaries and caucuses, Trump became the official Republican candidate for president on July 19, 2016. That November, Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, after defeating Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


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Total 2 comments
  • Man

    so basically what bush did. yay! more military spending and raising debt because of it

    • Mindless sheep. It’s a cult of personality, not intelligence.

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