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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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San Francisco suspends ties to FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force

Friday, February 3, 2017 5:10
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Apparently the human DNA instinct for self-preservation embedded in these folks has gone bye-bye. You can’t make this up. Does anyone out there think this isn’t putting out the welcome mat for terrorists???

The San Francisco police department is suspending ties with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The announcement comes amid growing concerns of spying on Muslim Americans by the new Trump Administration.

San Francisco may become a model as other cities more closely examine relationships with the feds. The concern is that local police departments could be used for surveillance that is broad and possibly unconstitutional.

“Donald Trump made very clear that he was going to be targeting Muslims and he wants mass Muslim surveillance and part of the work done with the JTTF could feed into this horrible Muslim registry, they’re talking about,” said retired attorney John Crew, who fights for civil liberty issues.

More ABC7 News with a clip that is well worth the trip. Below an old clip of mine regarding Lemmings came to mind–

Filed under: Immigration Tagged: FBI, Muslim, Refugees, San Francisco, Terrorism


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