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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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‘Today, I am a Muslim too’ – Welcome to New York City

Monday, February 20, 2017 5:08
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USA: ‘Today, I am a Muslim too’ – thousands of New Yorkers decry Trump’s travel ban so reads the headline.

The Arab call to prayer in the heart of New York City. One of the loudest spokesperson’s was Sarsour a woman to keep  our eye on. She was front and center with the Women’s March held recently. Anyone who doesn’t denounce her is questionable in my book. She is out there supporting Sharia law. Perhaps Planned Parenthood could include an educational program concerning what Sharia law entails for women while they are infiltrating our schools. Throw in Chelsea Clinton to the mix.

Muslims and Muslim sympathizers protested Donald Trump today in New York’s Times Square. Chelsea Clinton boasted about being there with her daughter, Charlotte. Hamas darling, Linda Sarsour was also there spreading hysteria and propaganda about President Donald Trump.

In Sarsour’s speech, she reminded people about the executive order that Democratic President FDR passed which put Japanese Americans in internment camps implying that Muslims and minorities could possibly suffer the same fate under a Trump presidency.

There was also a loud Arab call to prayer during this protest in NYC. In an Islamic call to prayer (adhan), the Muslim is shouting Allahu Akbar which translates to ‘God is greater’ or ‘God is greatest’. They mean that their ‘god’ is greater than your God and or the government. This is a blatant act of Islamic supremacy.

Gateway Pundit/

Filed under: Immigration, Religion, Uncategorized Tagged: Arab, Muslim, New york city


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