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Aaron Spuler is a firearms enthusiast and recreational shooter. Follow more or his work at The Weapon Blog
Part of a deer hunter’s job is to ensure that they can find as many deer as possible so that they can kill them. They can achieve this through using simple, but effective methods of attracting deer to a certain area to attack them.
Not only that, but these simple methods can be just as efficient and effective as using deer feeders that use corn to attract them to the feeder. That is because using feeder relies on the knowledge of fundamental deer traits and behaviors to attract them. The methods that will be discussed can be used in as many areas as possible like the deer feeder would.
Here are now some bow hunting tactics that hunters can use to get close to a deer as possible.
Using surprises to lure deer.
Using an element of surprise has been a well-used tactic for hunters in the past, and continues to be frequently used. This tactic is only successful when the hunter can make sure that the deer does not know where they are. Otherwise, the deer will not move toward the area that the hunter is in.
The deer hunter, though, has to be prepared to be as secretive as possible. Whether it is finding spots to hide in during the off season, or using tree stands for different wind factors; achieving a successful deer covert operation is very difficult. One mistake, and the hunter will fail to kill a deer in range.
When it comes to using surprise techniques to catch deer, the most difficult aspect is entering and exiting the area where they spy on the deer. This is because most hunters tend to go for easy exit and entry routes out of their standing spots. However, what hunters do not realize that the same easy and exit routes they want to use are the same ones that the deer use. This can be the case in vegetation areas, mountainous areas and in other aspects of agriculture.
The solution to eliminating the problems with the entry and exit routes is to avoid bumping into the deer. This will involve developing a plan for the entry and exit hideout area. Whether it is choosing to exit the area earlier than the deer or choose alternative routes where the deer will not go; it is better to plan the escape and entry routes before commencing the deer hunt. Months of preparation will be needed in such cases.
Compared to using the surprise technique, using deer feeders can allow the deer to be distracted. However, the feeder has to be positioned in such a way that the hiding spot is in eyesight range for the killing of the deer when the deer is at the feeding station.
Funneling technique.
Funneling deer is another strategy that deer hunters can use to lure in their deer. The strategy behind this is using funneling methods to ensure that the deer has only one path to follow; that is the path towards the hideout spot of the hunter.
Some examples of funneling areas that a deer hunter can use are creek crossings, logging roads in mountainous territory, and erosion ditches. The best funneling channels are those that are well concealed; deer are more likely to go through that funneling path because it provides cover.
One recommendation that hunters can use is to set up as many deer feeders as possible to lure them through the funnel. This can be termed the bait that the hunter can use to lure in the deer.
Mimicry technique.
As for mimicking tactics for hunting deer, the hunter can use a series of mock scrapes (using the foot and scraping the foot along the dirt floor, just like a real deer would). This is a tactic that can be used if there are no other methods.
The rule behind mock scrapes is that the scraps have to be made months before the deer breeding season commences. However, these mock scrapes can be done earlier, especially around the summer time.
Using deer scents.
Using other scents from a deer is another tactic that can be used by the best deer hunters to prey on deer. Some may choose to use hoe-doe deer scents to conceal the fact that the hunter is in the area.
When it comes to using the deer scent, it is best to apply the use of the deer scent every 50 meters to allow the scent to stay strong. The scents can be added to the boots and the clothing of the hunter. By doing this, the deer will follow the path of the scent properly without veering off the path as the hunter is going towards the spot that they have set up for their hunting expedition.
The other tip that goes along with the use of scents is that the scent paths should not lead directly to the spot where the hunter is going to spot the deer. That way, there is a great room for the hunter to spot the deer.
One important fact to remember is that strong, sweet scents can also be used to lure in deer. The best deer feeder in the market, for example, utilize corn because corn has a sweet smell that will attract deer. Scents do not necessarily have to be natural deer scents at all.
Decoy tactic.
Finally, the last tactic that the modern hunter can use if all else fails, is the use of a decoy. This is best suited when the deer is in a mating mode where the deer is trying to mate with a female deer. When this happens, the deer is not likely to be scared away and will be distracted.
This means that if the decoy is used properly by a hunter, then the decoy can lure in a very large deer. As long as the deer is in an area where there are ample tree spotting areas and where there is favorable wind condition.
Robert Gate is founder of He was enthusiastic about hunting from the first shot, from then he decided to become a pro hunter. If you find something