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Obama Treachery: His Shadow Government Behind Intelligence Leaks

Sunday, February 19, 2017 21:50
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(Before It's News)

Clapper-Lynch-ObamaEmperor Obama created new Intelligence Community (IC) rules 17 days before leaving office for his shadow government to sabotage President Trump with top secret and classified intelligence leaks designed to bring down the Trump administration and President Trump himself. The New York Times reported on January 12th of this year that the Obama Administration authorized these new rules via Executive Order 12333 that greatly expanded the powers of the National Security Agency (NSA) to share globally intercepted personal communication with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying any privacy protections. What an outrage!

This is an unprecedented expansion of power and considering that this was done days before leaving office, one need not be an attorney or intelligence officer to discern evil intent in writing the Executive Order that created this unclassified document entitled, “Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency (NSA).” This Obama document was approved by Attorney General (AG) Loretta Lynch and Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and went into effect January 3, 2017, 17 days before leaving office.

Attorney Jay Sekulow, Chief Legal Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) ordered his team to engage in a diligent search to obtain that document. It was found buried in an avalanche of other unclassified material and documents. According to Attorney Sekulow, the probability of increased leaks grew 16 fold as a result of this IC restructure days before the Obama regime left office which was most likely it’s very intent.


These intelligence leaks are extremely serious for they violate the Espionage Act and carry criminal penalties including incarceration according to the ACLJ. The leaks played a major role in the resignation of General Michael Flynn as President Trump’s national Security Advisor. From all indications General Flynn appears to be the first of many casualties in the coordinated efforts to take down President Trump and his administration. This recklessness by Obama and his team in creating a shadow government to remove President Trump from office is the third soft coup d’état attempt in unseating a duly elected President.

The motive for doing appears to be the end-game strategy of the globalist to installation their New World Order scheme that began in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve System. This explains why the democrats and globalists from both parties are so fanatical and desperate about not accepting Donald Trump as President of the United States. Donald Trump wholly rejects the globalist agenda and new World order initiatives.

President Donald J Trump is a nationalist and national sovereignty is antithetical to the globalists world view. This time frame represents the carefully orchestrated end-game to usher the globalist vision of a New World Order into fruition and why the conniption fit and utter melt-down we are all witnessing. Capitalism and Nationalism have no place in the globalist world vision and president is a champion of both and quite adept at reinstituting both in his administration promise to make America great again. Immigration control, border security, patriotism, traditional values and all the other traditional social and family norms we generally see in the Judeo-Christian teachings pose a threat to globalism.

This was supposed to be Obama passing the globalist baton to Hillary Clinton to complete the final leg of the 30 consecutive year reign of the globalist reformation of the US government. Even during the Ronald Reagan presidency globalist George Bush Sr had influence in the affairs of state and after the assassination attempt of Reagan, no serious threats to that agenda were enacted. Since Bush Sr every globalist presidents erected a policies, regulations and the legislative infrastructure to prepare for the transition from a nationalist to globalist government. The plan was on track with the final elements to be enacted by Hillary Clinton until the election of Donald J Trump derailed those plans.

The Donald Trump election and Brexit pose grave threats to the globalist implementation and transformation plan. While the globalist powers believe they can “fix” the Brexit speedbump the Trump election is entirely a different matter. President Trump’s nationalist and capitalist retooling of America coupled with the dismantling of the globalist infrastructure could roll back the last 100 years of globalist gains and set them back to square one. That prospect is totally unacceptable and why the conniption fit at all levels of government here and abroad.

Let me use a chess analogy to explain. The Trump election captured the globalist Queen and removed her from the playing field. The Queen represented a vital piece for the check-mate strategy to complete the globalist transformation. Too much time, money and effort has been invested to tolerate defeat. The strategy includes a total and coordinated economic and currency collapse of the United States, the European Union and Japan as a globalist fait accompli. Merkel was to Germany what Obama was to the United States. As goes Germany so goes the EU. Brexit is a wrench in that scenario.

As cover for the collapse, Russia is also a major threat for they are opposed to globalism, so WW3 with Russia is also part of the end-game strategy and why we are hearing so much about them. The axis powers of China, North Korea and Iran is insufficient to cause the necessary calamity and destruction required and any pact of peace between the US and Russia in unacceptable for a globalist victory. Losing their Queen at this vital stage of the game is a devastating blow.

With their Queen gone the globalists are in a desperate battle for their survival and why Obama created his shadow government with only days remaining on his way out. The effort to dismantle the Trump presidency is full throttle with all hands-on-deck including the lamestream media’s incessant attacks and fake news stories to delegitimize President Trump and to soften the public perception if they can against the Trump administration.

Tactics include:

  • A political coup d’état to prevent Donald Trump from assuming the office of President;
  • Havoc and destruction in the streets by paid rioters and mobs provided by many hostile and extreme left wing special interest groups including the leftist indoctrination centers called schools and colleges;
  • Obstructionist tactics by Congress to hamper the Trump administration from having confirmations of their Cabinet and Supreme Court pick;
  • A judicial coup d’état enacted by activist attorneys and federal judges in district and appeals courts;
  • An intelligence community coup d’état implemented by the Obama shadow government designed to hamstring the administration by sabotage and the removal of key players like General Flynn;
  • Congressional impeachment proceedings against President Trump;
  • Military coup d’état;
  • And when all these efforts fail assassination.

The ACLJ posted on You Tube three one hour videos that went into detail on the intelligence community “soft” coup d’état but You Tube in its continuing effort to suppress free speech along with Facebook, Twitter and others removed the videos. I was able to link the first one for a time, but all three are now scrubbed.

The good news is the Trump team acted brilliantly in having General Flynn, the consummate soldier, tender his resignation. Despite popular belief this was not capitulation but an effort to gain strategic advantage in eliminating the intelligence community coup d’état by the Obama shadow sedition brigade. Had not General Flynn resigned he would continue to be the focus of the media circus and more fake news stories thus preventing the exposure of the existence of the realignment of the intelligence community rules enabling the wave of espionage by the Obama and Clinton traitors.

President Trump immediately launched into action by commanding Attorney General Sessions to establish an investigation and to convene a grand jury to prosecute the crimes of espionage by the Obama shadow regime. Rex Tillerson has already terminated many of these traitors and Obama loyalists in the State Department. The IC department heads are actively shutting down the leaks under the tutelage of General James “Mad Dog” Mattis the Secretary of Defense due to Congressional obstruction of Dan Coats being confirmed as Director of National Intelligence.


ACLJ Article: IC Subverting National Security

Unclassified PDF Doc: Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency (NSA)

Article: President Trump Orders Investigation on Leaks

Article: Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Breitbart Article: Obama Shadow Government Plotting to Undermine Trump

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Shadow Government Coup Against Trump

Breitbart Article: Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protests

NY Post Article: Obama Founded Activist Groups Protesting Trump

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