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Trump: WH Leaks More Concerning Than Flynn’s Resignation

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 11:40
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(Before It's News)

He’s not entirely wrong, to be honest.

He’s not entirely right, either.

On Tuesday, President Trump took to Twitter to give comment about the resignation of his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

Dude, you literally sat in the middle of a crowded dining room full of high-priced gawkers at Mar-a-Lago this past weekend and conducted business, regarding North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile, along with the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, over wedge salad and drinks.

No, seriously, there are cell phone snaps (of the YOLO variety) of this serious business floating around on social media.

Flynn’s resignation is a real story, as well, Sir. Flynn’s ties to Russia have been a topic of concern for many since before he was named as National Security Advisor, and you ignored those concerns, at the time. Now it looks like those concerns have crawled up in your lap.

The White House announced Flynn’s resignation Monday night, the culmination of weeks of controversy surrounding alleged communications with Russia.

Flynn had initially denied speaking with Russia’s U.S. ambassador during the transition about sanctions levied by President Obama, but admitted this week that he may have done so and “inadvertently” told Vice President Mike Pence and others otherwise.

News reports based on anonymous sourcing from within the reaches of government disclosed those communications.

There has been talk for several weeks about the leaks from the White House, whether it was about the phone calls Trump made to world leaders or about internal conflict between different players within Trump’s Cabinet.

Some have speculated that it’s these warring factions leaking the information, in an effort to somehow gain the upper hand.

So let’s just say there are multiple issues at play, here, and the administration needs to clamp down and smooth out the wrinkles, sooner, rather than later.

The post Trump: WH Leaks More Concerning Than Flynn’s Resignation appeared first on RedState.


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