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University of Washington, Tacoma: Expecting Americans to use proper grammar 'perpetuates racism'

Monday, February 27, 2017 0:56
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

University of Washington, Tacoma: Expecting Americans to use proper grammar 'perpetuates racism' –'While overt racism is usually easily identified, more elusive are microaggressions…' | 22 Feb 2017 | The Writing Center at the University of Washington, Tacoma, is telling students that expecting Americans to use proper grammar perpetuates racism.


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Total 2 comments
  • “The university’s Writing Center Director, Dr. Asoa Inoue, suggests that racism has produced certain unfair standards in education.”

    Behindthename says that Inouye means “above the well”, from Japanese 井 (i) meaning “well, mine shaft, pit”, an unwritten possessive marker の (no), and 上 (ue) meaning “above, top, upper”.

    Wikipedia says, “The Inoue clan (井上氏, Inoue-shi) was a samurai clan.”

    Inuyasha can be translated as half-dog.

    But, we can probably just write it, any we want.


    To be fair, Inuyasha was generally correct.

    When we criticized Ebonics, and thick, foreign accents, we were being racists. It was intentional, the whole time — not on accident. So glad I got that off my chest.

    Elocution lessons were used to signify status, with every single word. (This theme has made it, to the Simpsons.)

    No critical theory is required. We’ll tell you that, for free.

    The languages of classical antiquity were considered even more nuanced, in formal applications.

    But, none of the cultural-Marxist subversives have progressed so far, in their mis-education.

    • How would traditional Japanese treat a gaijin / alien. I am asking this, first, without any qualifiers.

      Secondly, let’s pretend that said foreigner attempts to bastardize the pedantic, Japanese culture.

      I think, when everyone is held to the same standards, Mr. Inoue starts to look like the colonizer.

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