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CNN Creates Clock To Monitor Donald Trump’s “Twitter Attacks”

Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:17
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(Before It's News)

CNN has launched another countdown clock. The cable news network has added decided to monitor when President Donald Trump attacks someone on Twitter. It’s more like one of those signs that hangs in workshops which declares how many days since an injury. I guess this is considered journalism now.

According to the site, CNN started counting over the weekend before the joint session address, when Trump last tweeted about “Fake News” and Russia.

President Donald Trump won praise from pundits and political allies for his more measured tones during Tuesday night’s address to a joint session of Congress. At one point in the speech, he even declared that “the time for trivial matters has passed.”
But Trump’s pivot to mellower rhetoric is actually a few days old. He hasn’t knocked, tweaked or attacked anyone on Twitter since Sunday afternoon, when he claimed, “Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!”

CNN has been a popular target for the President in his rants against the media, however as the clock indicates a few days have past since his last incident.

The post CNN Creates Clock To Monitor Donald Trump’s “Twitter Attacks” appeared first on RedState.


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