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Conservative Critical Mass

Sunday, March 26, 2017 17:06
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   I suppose the Conservative wing of the media might seem to be rough and tough, but they have to be in this world of Internet trolls and cyber bullies in the comments sections of their articles and post. You have to make a stand and show some strength when you do. As time marches on the left wing Liberal side of things see that they are not only loosing votes but arguments and getting allot of thumbs down in their post. It has only been recently that the people have amassed together on the Conservative side of the issues and this has shocked the Liberal as well as global establishment, it is as if Brexit has spread to America, but it has been brewing up in the USA nor for nearly 20 years and this means that the people have well developed their views and arguments by now. And what appears to be a recent trend in Conservatives has been in the workings for years, and in the election cycle two years back had reached critical mass then.
  Do not let anyone lie to you and try to get you to believe that the Liberals are rising up in mass to take back anything, this is only the sound of their megaphone which is CNN and MSNBC.  Their ratings have fallen, their power is broken, and they no longer hold the power that they once held here in the states.  So they have to magnify their voice through their media to make it appear that they are the consensus of popular views and opinions when they are not.  To believe any of their reports is to believe the lie and become brainwashed again.

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