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Dems Call Obamas Shadow Gov ‘The Devil’ Barack Sparks Civil War Within Own Party (Videos)

Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:20
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Barack sparks civil war within own party.

WASHINGTON – First, the Democrats got clobbered in the election by the Republicans.

Now they’re squaring off against each other in a civil war.

This political Gettysburg pits the Democratic Party base against the Obama machine called Organizing for Action, or OFA, the community-organizing army left over from the former president’s election campaigns.

How bitter is the battle?

Two Democratic operatives recently called OFA “The Devil.”

When former President Obama issued a call to arms to his OFA troops in order to protect his legacy, particularly Obamacare, Stephen Handwerk, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party, wrote in a private email to fellow party leaders, “This is some GRADE A Bulls–t right here.”

The email was obtained and then published Friday by the Daily Beast, which reported: “It is difficult to overstate just how enraged state Democratic activists and leaders are with Organizing for Action.”He added, “It also to me seems TONE DEAF—we have lost over 1,000 seats in the past 8 years … all because of this crap.”   Read More

SEDITION: ‘Obama Is Back And Ready To DESTROY Trump’ – Eric Holder

Barack Obama is ready to come back to Washington and ‘destroy President Trump’ according to close friend Eric Holder. 

Following Obama’s $60 million book deal, the former President is said to be reinvigorated and determined to lead the democrats’ anti-Trump efforts. reports:

Of course, this breaks with the tradition upheld by most former Presidents who have chosen to not publicly criticize their successors…but the rules don’t really apply to Obama now do they?

According to Holder, Obama’s triumphant return to politics will be focused on, among other things, fundraising (his specialty) and assisting the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) in its efforts to redraw congressional districts to give Democrats a leg up in the House of Representatives.  Per Politico:

Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday.

Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.

“It’s coming. He’s coming,” Holder said, speaking to reporters at a briefing for the new group. “And he’s ready to roll.”

Throughout, Holder said, Obama “will be a more visible part of the effort.”

As Holder notes, he and the former President will join forces in an epic “battle for our democracy” that will revolve around redrawing maps to benefit his chosen party.

The NDRC is looking to be an intensified central force for Democrats to tackle their disadvantage in gerrymandering. The mission is to direct resources into winning targeted state elections, push ballot initiatives for nonpartisan district-drawing commissions and wage legal challenges to existing maps. The hope is that this would put Democrats in a stronger position in state houses, but also in the U.S. House of Representatives, if districts are drawn that more accurately represent the distribution of the popular vote, citing statistics that showed Republicans winning 49 percent of the vote in those elections but getting 55 percent of the seats in the 2016 elections.

“This is really a battle for our democracy,” Holder said. “The notion that people are denied their ability to cast a meaningful vote … is inconsistent with who we say we are, inconsistent with what we say our democracy is about.”

Of course, we’re sure that Holder’s intentions are every bit as pure as he says they are and he is in no way motivated to go out and file a bunch of gerrymandering lawsuits just because it will net his law firm, Covington & Burlin, as well as himself, million of dollars in fees.

As we noted before, Holder was also “honored” recently to win a mandate from California, even though no one has any idea what he’s been retained to do, which will also undoubtedly result in $10s of million of dollars in bribes fees for his new law firm.  READ MORE


Barack Obama is getting closer to making his public reappearance in politics, his friend and former Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday. Holder said he’s been talking to the former president about ways — including fundraising and interacting with state legislators — that could help the new National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Obama asked Holder to chair last year.

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