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He Made a Funny: Trump to Merkel on Wiretapping: “At Least We Have Something in Common”

Friday, March 17, 2017 12:17
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(Before It's News)

President Donald Trump has been pretty adamant about his wiretapping claims.  His very, not funny, claims about wiretapping.

This morning however, that took a turn, as Trump poked fun at several people when asked a question about his recent wiretapping claims include those that British Intelligence was the one who did the spying.

In a press conference with Angela Merkel, where the two leaders spoke about the things they had in common, and the common ground they had agreed to work towards, Trump also found other “common ground” with the German Leader.

“As far as wiretapping, I guess, by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps” (Motioning to Merkel)

WATCH: Trump jokes that Merkel was also wiretapped by Obama… “At least we have something in common…” #Merkel #Obama #Trump

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 17, 2017

Trump of course is referring to the report that the NSA and CIA had been spying on the German Chancellor (the office, not Merkel).

Love him or hate him, that there’s funny.

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  • actually the report says a phone call between merkel and holland was surveillanced.

    Yet again redstate is practicing yellow journalism.

    Lets call this bitch YellowState.

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