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March 17, 2017
Everyone needs to remember that the “United States” is a foreign entity. The only relationship it has to the united States of America is as a subcontractor obligated to provide certain enumerated government services for the states in common.
With respect to the united States of America, the United States only exercises delegated power and has no power of its own.
Yet, it does have its own bits of land used to complete its duties and it does have its own citizens— those born in Washington, DC., members of the military, the federal civil service, those born in Territorial and Insular states, and so on.
The District of Columbia is what is known as an “enclave” of this foreign United States government on American shores and Washington, DC is operated as a separate international municipal city-state by this foreign government.
The American states control all of the air jurisdiction, all of the land jurisdiction and all undelegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea owed to the united States of America, but in recent years, the United States has usurped upon and sought the overthrow of its employers and benefactors and by fraud and other surreptitious means the servants have attempted to become the masters.
The United States and the members of Congress controlling the United States as Trustees and as the Board of Directors of its corporate enterprises did this by the use of deceptively similar names, identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, false claims in commerce, bankruptcy fraud and similar ruses and deceits, and they have attempted to substitute their own territorial and municipal “states of states” for the land jurisdiction states that the American people are owed.
Set against this backdrop and common understanding, the time has come to speak of many things, and most especially, the nature of sovereignty among men.
My ancestors came to England with William the Conqueror. Upon his death, they were among those who became “free sovereigns by their own right”. This is known as The Settlement of the Norman Conquest. Less than a hundred years later, they were among those who created and enforced the Magna Carta.
A few centuries after that, we ventured to the New World and helped to found the brave city of Boston. In 1776, we heard the call and once again, fought and beat the British Monarch.
When the United States created its “Ship of State” to sail upon international waters, it had to sail under the seal of a free sovereign. As anyone can see, the Great Seal of the United States is the Belcher seal, not King George’s. For the United States to claim that I am its citizen is a situation akin to my dog claiming that I am its pup.
In 1861, the British Monarch and the Pope tried to overcome us once again by force of arms, and failed.
What they could not win by force of arms they have tried to win by fraud and deceit and breach of trust enforced by commercial mercenaries disguised as judges and lawful government agents, all operating under color of law.
I am here to remind the progeny of the brave men who stood at Bunker Hill and White Plains and Ticonderoga of who and what you are and what you won from King George.
Just as the Belchers are free sovereigns by their own right with respect to the British Kings ever since 1087, you are “free sovereigns in your own right” owed the entirety of the united States of America.
We became free sovereigns as a result of the Norman Conquest and you became free sovereigns as a result of the Revolutionary War. Now I stand here fully acquitted on all accounts, a free sovereign in Britain and a free sovereign American as well.
When I say I am owed my free sovereignty and the Magna Carta, that’s not just whistling in the dark. That is literal, verifiable fact. Likewise, when I say I am owed the Declaration of Independence, that is also literal, verifiable fact.
When any President of the United States looks up and sees whose seal he is sailing under, he has cause to know better than to claim that I am his citizen. Very clearly, he is my citizen under international law and every word I say to him or to the British Monarch concerning their operations on this continent has the force of law and sovereign power.
I here record my Sovereign Mandate regarding all these false commercial claims advanced by the United States against the American states and people via a secretive and non-consensual process of hypothecation and declare the “National Debt” null and void, the fruit of fraud and dishonor.
The Sovereign Letters Patent and Declaration of Joint Sovereignty with the Native American nations issued in November 2016 stand alone and together as a reclamation of the land in my capacity as a free sovereign American and Son of the Revolution. They also stand as remedy for grievous errors made by administrators of the United States, extended in my capacity as a free sovereign of Britain having authority apart from and above the Queen, and as the lawful owner of the Great Seal of the United States.
My sovereign claim to own and control the United States outranks that of any British Monarch and predates any such claim by over two hundred years. Mr. Rothschild will do well to take notice that I have not accepted his offer on anything but a temporary month-by-month basis until final settlement of the bogus National Debt and the set aside of all other odious debt issues is completed. Queen Bess and Donald Trump do not have the final say.
All employees, elected officials, and inhabitants of the United States, its territories, and municipalities are to obey the organic and Public Law of the United States [of America] without exception. No Federal Code, Public Policy, or federated State of State statute can be enforced upon a natural born American absent a true consensual obligation evidenced by conformance with the first Naturalization Law and no Federal Law may be enforced usurping beyond the delegated authorities.
All territorial and municipal Sheriffs, all law enforcement personnel and court personnel are to cease and desist their activities under color of law and are to resume their lawful offices and duties owed to the American states and people. False arrests, enforcement of victimless crime statutes against Americans who have been mischaracterized as United States Citizens or citizens of the United States, and overall failure to honor their exemptions and their extradition from federal custody must cease.
Members of the Bar Associations are to be considered undeclared Foreign Agents and their activities plundering penal bonds and individual public trusts are to be audited, corrected, and enforced as crimes by the Internal Revenue Service and local law enforcement agencies. Embezzlement by the court system via the CRIS accounts held by Federal Reserve Banks in every federal district is to be shut down immediately. Human trafficking promoted by The Bank of New York Mellon and its affiliates must similarly be shut down.
All property and titles to property rightfully belonging to Americans including the copyrights and trademarks associated with the given names are to be returned to them and the legal presumption of any form of United States citizenship pertaining to them is to be dropped from all their records including the census and in all cases at law. The repugnant practice of press-ganging Americans and suppressing their natural political status and the issuance of CUSIP Bonds in their names must cease and all indebtedness related to this practice and merely presumed to exist must be erased.
All birth records of Americans are to be returned to the land jurisdiction states as public recordings and not held as registrations. Likewise all vehicle registrations, marriage licenses, limited liability insurances, mortgages and similar contracts that Americans are naturally exempt from are to be returned to the land jurisdiction counties and converted to simple public recordings.
The Social Security obligations incurred as part of the Great Fraud are to be paid faithfully and without presumption of any kind against the vested recipients.
The United States State Department is to immediately resume issuance of American State National and American State Citizen passports and is to expedite the free flow of American travel here and abroad.
All United States agency subcontractors including the FBI, BLM, DHS, FEMA, BATF, IRS, US MARSHALS, etc., are under Notice that your role on American soil is strictly limited to the policing of actual US corporations and actual US citizens. All federated State of State organizations and County of County organizations are similarly circumscribed. This does not allow for any presumption against living Americans, nor any attachment of their private or public property based on fraudulently procured information, undisclosed or unilateral agreements, mistaken registrations, false licensing, or any other coerced adhesion contract, corporate Public Policy or improper commercial claim including hypothecation of debt.
The cost of these and all such other corrections and remedies owed by the United States to the American states and people are to be assessed against the Federal Reserve banks, the World Bank, IBRD, Bank for International Settlements, Vatican Bank, the Holy See and its affiliates and charged to the Universal Payment Bond and Bill of Lading established under my Agency as AMRI00003 recorded and presented to Cardinal Mamberti in his capacity and office as Prefect and head of the Vatican Chancery Court.
Mr. Rothschild, ELIZABETH II, FRANCISCUS, and President Donald Trump are under Sovereign Decree to correct their operations with respect to the United States as outlined above, so as to provide lasting remedy to the American states and people for all the wrongs and the violence which has been perpetrated against them by their usurping servants and foreign powers acting in Breach of Trust.
Submitted by: Wynter Moon