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Latest Quinnipiac Poll Shows Shifting Opinion Among Core Trump Support

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 12:25
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It has apparently been a rough couple of weeks for the president, as he has seen his rating slip with some of his core supporters.

Specifically, Trump has seen a decrease in support numbers among men, white voters, and Republicans, in general.

A Quinnipiac University poll finds that the president has a job approval rating of just 37 percent. Fifty-six percent of respondents disapprove of the job the president is doing.

In a March 7 survey, the president had a job approval rating of 41 percent, compared to 52 percent who disapproved of the president.

To flesh that out, 43 percent of men polled approve of the job Trump is doing. Compare that to the 49 percent polled in early March.

Similarly, 44 percent of white voters now say they approve of President Trump’s performance, as opposed to the 49 percent polled last.

Slightly more than 80 percent of Republicans now approve of the job the president is doing, down from 91 percent in the March 7 survey.

It’s very early in Trump’s presidency and he has plenty of time and opportunity to improve on those numbers.

Let’s face it: He didn’t have the smoothest start, and optics matter a great deal, when it comes to turning public opinion.

Other factors on the poll, however, will require he actually put some effort into his public appeal.

The poll also found that 60 percent of voters think the president is not honest and 55 percent think he doesn’t have good leadership skills.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents believe the president doesn’t care about average Americans, according to the poll. A majority of voters believe the president is a strong person and is intelligent.

So he’s intelligent enough, but he has a problem with ethics.

Nearly three-quarters of voters think the president and his administration make statements “very often” or “somewhat often” without evidence to support them.

We can write that one off to his early morning tweetstorms. They’re hurting him in the court of public opinion, except among his most faithful.

This latest poll was conducted between March 16 and March 21, with 1,056 voters. It has a plus/minus margin of error of 3 points.

The post Latest Quinnipiac Poll Shows Shifting Opinion Among Core Trump Support appeared first on RedState.


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Total 4 comments
  • Screw the polls….how can he do a good job with the deep state constantly attacking his agenda….Congress sabotaging his every move….liberal judges banning his legal rulings….the snakes Obama/Lynch/Jarrett/Soros paying worthless idiots to protest….the MSM lying on a daily basis…..the Satanists continuing to push their NWO and destroy mankind behind Trump’s back….all the liberal psychotics leaking info….Congress taking their stinking sweet time to affirm his cabinet picks….a two-faced vice president….Ryan and McConnell. They have fought him tooth and nail for the bankers. Trump deliberately wanted the very rich in his cabinet so they would not be swayed to be bought off. Rex Tillerson is doing a fabulous job. Betsy DeVos has been crippled constantly. Then there is Kellyanne, Ivanka, Melania, Barron, Eric and Lara, insulted, mocked, ridiculed, hated for no reason by the insane jealous left. Trump has had darts, lies, the Russians, etc. thrown at him constantly….even the bugging of his privacy. So screw the polls….for a 70 year old man he has been doing an outstanding job considering the mentally deranged progressive leftists sick sabotages towards him daily. AND this is only what we know on the surface….what is occurring behind the scenes. SO…when you idiots do polls make sure your question for a yea or nay includes all the accurate info I mentioned above in order to get a more precise truthful answer.

    • AND…Trump needs to fire every muslim and Obama liberal….not allow cell phones in his meetings which should take place at impromptu surprise locations…never the same place twice…..with no one knowing where until he locates to the meeting spot then informs the others to come there. Takes more time out of a day but believe me his world would certainly improve….not out of paranoia…but out of safer discrepancy.

      • AND…NONE of the meeting spots should be Trump properties…..more like old warehouses with lead paint still in existence. Hence bugging cannot penetrate the lead paint. Again I will inform….lead stops spying or radiation technology….the very reason why the LIE exists about children eating wall paint chips originated. All for the sake of creating our walls to be like glass windows for government spying.

        • In fact Trump should demand Congress overrule the lead paint ruling and allow everyone to use lead based paint once again. Would certainly tell the NWO we want their indulgent spying stopped. No more NSA collecting of data…. People should buy lead solder, melt it down and stir into your paint.

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