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NYTimes Forgets Internet is Forever, Contradicts January Report on Wiretapping

Monday, March 6, 2017 5:16
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(Before It's News)

There are two type of news media organizations out there.  There are those that report that Trump was wiretapped and there are those that report he’s not.

Or if you’re the NY Times, you’re going to report both.

Currently on the front page of the NY Times is this article, saying how Comey asked the DOJ to reject Trump’s claim of wiretapping.  You guessed it… Completely unsubstantiated.  Some anonymous official said something they aren’t willing to stand behind and it still gets printed.  Of course this insinuates that Trump is somehow being dishonest or creating false light, which is entirely possible.


There’s just one problem with that.  In January, the publication published an article that state plainly and clearly that the investigation into Trump’s campaign consisted of some wiretapping.

From the article:

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.


While it is possible to report on something without taking a position, both articles clearly are written from a nail-trump-to-the-wall bias.  The difference is, that at the time, the wiretaps the NYT was reporting on weren’t being called illegal.  Now all of the sudden, when their continue-to-discredit-Trump hats are on, they suggest that no wiretaps took place.

And the MSM wonders why they have a lower trustworthy rating than Trump.

The post NYTimes Forgets Internet is Forever, Contradicts January Report on Wiretapping appeared first on RedState.


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