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By Lisa Haven
Despite the multiple claims and evidence that Donald Trump’s phone was wiretapped, the mainstream media continues to side with lying Obama on his false claims that “he didn’t do it.” With the attempted coup that has been activated by the globalists to overthrow the Trump administration, things are getting not only out of hand but have hit an all time high!
In the video below, I expose Obama for the fraud he is and reveal that Donald Trump wasn’t the only victim of his wiretaps! Here’s the breaking report…
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Peter Gabriel was right!
You like music – this is my attempt at – A WHITER SHADE OF PALE by PROCOL HARUM
obama might have been an illegal president and subject to blackmail and other threats but if trumps phone was bugged, house was bugged or monitored it could have been ordered by other security agencies, these shadow agencies can monitor everyone, phonecalls, email, text messages smartphones, keep that in mind that it can be hacked and isnt private, they operate above the law, there isnt any proof russians changed the way americans voted or the numbers were manipulated
Sweetheart ! Trump set up the muslim nut case . Videos that go back many years show Trump complaining about the elite . When ask to be president he would spout off the evil these people were committing . He has had years to think about what he would do if he were president . Example . He told the media he would win , then he used agenda’s that he knew would firestorm them , but in the end he told them I got free advertisement , you made me famous and I didnt have to spend my money . The reason Trump cattle called the media to provoke them about Russia was for 2 reasons . For Russia to possibly prove they had Hillary’s tweets and to shake up the democrats because they knew that he knew and to set the Muslim nut case up for wire tapping him which he is now using to put scum bucket in prison for 20 years . Once Obama begins loosing steam then he can hit him with sceem after sceem . He came into the White House ready for a fight ! This man has been groomed by GOD for the White House Office . For those trying to understand him it’s like he has some prophet telling him move after move . The Bible tells us that GOD establishes our thoughts if we give HIM the right to do so . This man had preachers lay hands on him and ask for GOD to instruct him and lead him and empower him . This intelligence we are seeing is of GOD . He is playing them for fools . Knowdice he does not allow it to consume him . He does as the Bible says GET ANGERY , BUT SIN NOT ! Anger can be used as a motivation . He plays them and angers them so that like a boxer they swing wildly . But we must guard against loosing control of ourselves . To beat the bully one must become ANGERY ! This brings into play your entire being , body , soul and Spirit . This is how we must also pray from now on . Not angry , but with our entire being united . Our body putting forth the words , our emotions ( soul ) involved in its push and our Spirit grabbing hold to GOD’S SPIRIT . To many times our minds wonder while praying , our emotions are caught up into other things besides our prayer . And our spirit is not connected to the GOD’S main line . All this may be shaking his team , but when they see him steady and sure they calm back down . This is how a man or woman of GOD leads in GODLY authority . Trump has so much in his arsenal to destroy everyone of them with that they have committed against the American people . But he knows if he wipes them out quickly without a lot of evidence being brought forth slowly so the American people can asorb it , then the American people will condemn them theirselves , then he will not loose their admiration and will learn to trust him . He has everyone in place even the evil ones and is playing the game out as it was set into his head by GOD . I got to experience this power working in my life in the past . It’s hard to explain , but looking back all I can say it was GOD directing and leading . You know every move before the enemy makes it and have made yourself ready for it . It’s called being anointed ! Trump is our anointed man of the hour ! GOD has stopped the devils take over until the time for them to rule . When the Church of Revelation 3:7-10 ( Philidelphia ) has been put into protection and the one who is restraining has been removed , then they will have their short time to rule earth . But sad thing is the rest of the churches mentioned that have not kept HIS words or shown their love to others will have to make it to Revelations 20:5-6 ( first resurrection ) after the last trump or 7 trumpets have sounded . This happens just before the 1000 year reign of Christ ( anointed man of David’s sperm or seed , which Jesus is not ) Ezekiel 44 and 46 Speek of this man of David whom is called prince , GOD is called the KING . When GOD or then LORD OF HOSTS is not present the prince becomes the king durning the 1000 years of reign . After that GOD comes to earth ( Revelations 21-22) , we do not go to heaven . John chapter 1 tells us who Jesus is , HE is GOD come in the flesh . He is the LORD OF HOSTS . The one GOD allows us to see of HIS Projected SELF . Like the preacher projected onto the giant screen . GOD is the ANCIENT OF DAYS . No one gets to look up on HIM in the flesh and live . HE hides HIMSELF in thick dark clouds because HIS brightness and glory is so great and over welming . But for now Trump is setting the stage maybe as Elijah to turn the hearts back to GOD before as the Book of Enoch says the one among the people is called up and as Daniel states is brought before the ANCIENT OF DAYS and is crowned with glory and power to rule the earth . He is to bring the nations back to the worship of GOD as Ezekiel 44 and 46 states . Just like Israel before Mount Sinai GOD will make HIS appearances . But then after the 1000 years HE will as Jesus told HIS disciples to preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand , or in other words GOD is coming to you ! HE is leaving Heaven and coming to dwell on earth ( Revelation 21-21 ) . We’re the Bible says that king or prince David will continue to have children as well as the people of earth forever . When ask about marriage in Heaven Jesus said there is no marring or giving in marrage in Heaven . But now you know GOD is coming to earth to live with us and not stay in Heaven any more . Maybe that will be HIS vacation home ! I know I have given you a lot to swallow . But take your time on each subject matter and you will see the whole picture now working and show forth its self , were as it didn’t before . Philadelphia church will be moved to the wilderness where they will be feed , taught and protected . It will be near mount Zion . This is also were Israel will be taken home in Ezekiel 37 and joined with Judea living in Israel . The lost 10 tribes of Ephraim Israel will be back in their home land with the other 3 tribes of Judea . This is we’re you can bring in Matthew 24:29-31 where Jesu is talking about the son of man that gathers His elect with angels given unto Him to do so . Please note Jesus in verse 25 uses the word I , meaning Himself . But in 30-31 Jesus says He , His and Him . Jesus is not talking about Himself but of the prince or king David son of man that Daniel says will be brought before GOD and crowned with power and glory . Alright I have got to many worms on the table to sort thru , so I will stop . Get a chance though do some research into these subjects . Why because then you will understand what is really happening . The catholic church has clouded our minds to the truth . They have pounded us for so long we only see it their way . When just like Revelations 20:5-6 tells us plainly when the first resurrection takes place , it’s not in chapter 4 because John was 2000 years ago looking forward into the future to today when GOD tells him to come up to HIM and HE will show him what is to be here after . Lisa you try so hard to get the truth out , I just wanted to share with you some truths as I have understood that I believe GOD gave me . Keep up the good work , I’m sure you are making GOD proud to call you one of HIS own ! Thank you so much !
wow everette–very good–i dislike bible thumpers,christians very much but what you wrote is right on–in my humble opinion–thanks for what you put forth–i can support it–it makes sense–you bring much light and truth to what appears to be going on–again–thanks
Paragraphs PLZ.
I got out of the way. I was afraid that comment would tip over and crush me…
The real war is a war between God and His enemies. Good vs Evil. Don’t waste your time on Trump or Obama. Keep your eyes on the prize. “12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING.” Phillipeans 2:12 He is coming quickly – Literally QUiCKLY – and “when you least expect it.” Forget Trump. Forget Obama. Are you obeying the Lord? Have you repented for your sins? Do you really believe? Then keep your eyes, your mind, your heart and your soul on HIM! “Look up! For your redemption draweth NIGH!” Luke 21:28. “Where your heart is, there your treasure is also.” God requires the whole heart, and will not share it with the world.
ARREST illegal alien usurper Barack H. Obama aka Barry Soetoro to NDAA Prison for TREASON, I.D. Fraud Voter Fraud, Immigration Violation, SS# Fraud, Murder, ETC! Install CC camera connected to internet one way view looking in on Obama from Americans and the World to keep Obama from escaping. Pay 4 View at 10¢ of Obama in prison writing his $20-M memoirs with a pencil on toilet paper will raise so much money Americans will never again have to pay taxes. Add in Clintons and Soros, and the Pay4View will be so popular that the $20-Trillion Debt will be paid off in 5-years. Arrest them NOW! Pay4View online!
Nice Everette. What I think most people don’t know is trump could not have won without help from the interigence agencies. It is my understanding that they ran study groups and knew exactly what trumps platform would have to be in order to win. Change, attack big pharma, give the country back to the people, consistent reference to God, attack big banks and corps. Jobs and he did exactly what the super computers indicated what would have to be done. Does he believe it. I think so. The shame of it all is he will be the sitting President during the worst depression the world has ever seen. Let’s pray not.