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The World Is One Poke Away From A Major Disaster – Episode 1231b – YouTube
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Report date: 03.17.2017
NY Assemblyman push law to control free speech.
White House allegedly apologizes to England about the reference of British spy agency spying on Trump.
Former CIA office says they are trained to lie.
FISA court granted a warrant to check out Trumps server and the Russian banks server.
Laptop was stolen with Clinton’s email investigation and plans for Trump Tower.
Russian banks says communication between Trump server and their bank has started once again.
Russia receives no request about the Yahoo hacking.
SWIFT messaging to North Korea banks have been shutdown.
Tillerson says ready to get into a conflict with North Korea.
South Korea prepares for an operation against North Korea in April.
NATO ships enter the Black Sea.
Syria makes claim that they shot down an Israeli jet, IDF says no jet was hit.
The world is one poke away from a major disaster.
All source links to the report can be found on the site.